Poll: Ask the three eyed stuid fucking asshole

Where do you jerk offs get off? Who the fuck cares what you think? Why in the hell should I care?

Poll: If you had a hang nail & a dibibuxialain from the planet bored-fuck-sticks told you he/she/it/he-she-it would give you the optimum bus schedule to get from the 7-11 down your street to the stupid ass Wholesale Foods four blocks down the street where you can only get spirulina GM modified wheat free face slop would you take it? Who gives a fuck?

Gimme some relevant context. I hate polls. Give me some context that means something. It’s not black or white, not square or circle. Don’t ask me if i’d cross the street if some one one the other side of the street was wearing a purple beret.

Ooh, ooh. Would you go to space? How the fuck do I know? Are there some disgusting space aliens waiting to eat me as soon as I get there? Will my going there lead to the betterment of mankind for the next 10,000 years?

I really hate your if/or yes/no polls. I hate multiple guess questions. Give me a space to fill in “it depends on this…” Assholes.

</drunken rant>


(My italics)

I have nothing more to add though. The question answers itself.


Go to bed!

Ah, drunken rants. Pure poetry … :smiley:

Gotta say, tho’ – your choice of poll questions sound interesting. Be a blast if someone took one or two up and made threads of 'em for real.

Not ‘Pure’…only 70% proof.


Too much cheap gin too late at night.

As an alcoholic, I take umbrage with your abusement of the alcohol content system. Is it 70 percent alcohol by volume, or is it 70 proof?

70 proof would be 35% alcohol by volume, and 70% would be 140 proof.

Fuckin’ A. Buncha sober lightweights that don’t know the difference between a Smirnoff Ice and Bacardi 151…

If you can tell the difference, you’re not drunk enough.

Back atcha, dude.

My god. A planet where radioactive fish evolved from man!

Well, that depends. How many guests am I entertaining? Do I already have enough for my own spirulina & wheat germ milkshake, or am I making enough to serve seven?

You should open a thread asking which people are tired of poll threads. The irony would be just intense.

p.s. what does having a hangnail have to with whether or not I’d like a bus schedule? Is it too far to walk, given the toe pain? :dubious:

You missed the open tag

Bacardi 151 mixed with Smirnoff Ice, now that’s a DRINK!

I should know, I’ve tried it. :eek:

Nah, it’s not a DRINK! until you’re using the 151 to water it down.

Isn’t that what he already did? He seems to be fighting with his own hated medium.

I’m just here to take the ‘p’ out of this thread’s title.

See, it could’ve been ‘stupid’, or it could’ve been ‘squid’. The world may never know.

Ultra you squid fucker you! :smiley:

[Charlton Heston]

Getcher stinkin’ fins off me, you damn dirty fish!
