I loathed Ronald the Iran/Contra criminal Reagan. I voted for Republican-turned-Independent John Anderson in 1980.
In 1984 I already knew what an incompetent asshole Reagan was (and boy did I turn out to be right — trickle down, my ass), and was sickened by the despicable campaign put on by Reagan and the vile, filthy way Republicans referred to Walter “Fritz” Mondale and Geraldine Ferraro:
Wally and the Beaver
Fritz and Tits
So there was no way I was voting Reagan regardless, but given that his was a party that could be that misogynistic, Mondale got my vote that year.
Then I read Ken Follett’s book, “On Wings of Eagles” about how Ross Perot broke his employees out of an Iranian prison by hiring an ex-Green Beret to train his executives to stage a prison riot, when not a soul in the U.S. government would help him (Screw you, Kissinger), and was extraordinarily impressed with his know-how and fortitude. So come 1992 when Perot decided to run for president, I was all set to vote for him … until the vice presidential debates.
Admiral Stockdale was an incredible man who deserves loads of respect and admiration. But he wasn’t equipped to be president were something to have happened to Perot, so I changed my mind and voted for Clinton. No way in hell was I going to vote for Reagan’s partner in Iran/Contra crime, George H. W. Screw you too Bush. No way.
And after the outrageous waste of taxpayer dollars on investigation after investigation, and the dereliction of duty on numerous fronts, by and of the Republicans in Congress during Clinton’s two terms, I became an avowed Democrat and have never even considered voting for any other party’s candidate in a presidential election.
It certainly helps that the Democrats represent a majority of my positions on the issues, but even if they only met half of them, I’d still never vote for a Republican. Not even if they promised to make me a billionaire. Not even if they threatened to kill me.