POLL: How was your vaccine reaction?

Sorry about your mom. On the plus side, maybe it means she has a robust immune system? Or maybe I’m whistling past the graveyard, so to speak, as I live alone, and at 64, have been hoping I’d sail through like my older siblings.

Oh, she’s fine now and very happy to be vaccinated. I wonder if one thing to come out of all of this might be more information about whether strong or weak side effects experiences mean anything at all. It’s comforting when you have them to think, aha, that means it’s working! But they say no need to worry if you don’t have them, too. Maybe we can learn more with all the data that should be available.

I had a sore arm from the first Pfizer shot, but the second kicked my butt today. Low fever, achy all over, fatigued. So it’s working…

The first Pfizer shot gave me a sore arm for about 24 hours, that’s it. Just got the second one tonight and so far no ill effects, not even a sore arm.
We have all 3 vaccines going at my workplace - a few folks got the J&J one and had no problems beyond a sore arm. The rest of us are split almost half and half between Pfizer and Moderna. So far nothing but sore arms on any of the vaccines.

Damn. I was checking this thread in hopes that someone else was experiencing what I’m experiencing, but it looks like no one is. I got the Moderna vaccine, shot 1, six days ago (Thursday morning). Towards the afternoon and evening, I began to feel fatigue and my head hurt. By bedtime, I was also getting chills and muscle/joint pain. My arm was very sore – it hurt to roll over or lie on it. By Friday morning, everything had resolved except for the sore arm, and by this point the soreness had spread all the way down my forearm to my thumb, and was making it hurt to open my hand up.

The soreness on my arm last through the weekend, and then went away. But six days later, I still wake up with pain and limited mobility in my thumb. When I first wake up, it can be hard to use my hand to do things like hold a glass, hold a phone, or pull my hair back, but after moving around for a few hours my blood starts flowing better and the pain goes down. Anybody else experience anything like this? I emailed my doctor’s office asking if this was a normal side effect and they suggested I schedule an appointment, but I’m reluctant to because, I don’t know, it doesn’t feel serious enough to talk to a doctor, I can still type and walk my dog and do everything I need to do. It’s just annoying and odd.

This is not something to ignore, and it’s not a normal reaction to the vaccine. This is your hand. You need that to work right. See your doctor.

Lol, you know, I actually have this thread to thank for scheduling the appointment. Because after typing out that whole explanation, I started thinking to myself, “You know, this really doesn’t sound normal.” And so as soon as I posted I called my doctor and scheduled an appointment first thing tomorrow morning. I appreciate your concern!

How did your appointment go - did they find a way to fix your hand back to normal?

I had my second Pfizer this past Tuesday, no sore arm at all this time and I felt fine for a full day. Then about 24 hours after getting the shot I was hit with a massive round of fever/chills and a headache. The fever/chills were gone by morning but the headache stuck around an entire day longer. Now today feeling good except I have a sore and swollen lymph node on the side I got my shot. Weird but not worrying.

ME TOO! Nothing at all. Barely can find the jab site on the arm.


Exactly ditto for my boss - 24 hrs nothing, then hit him fairly hard for 1 day.

My second Pfizer shot this week resulted in a very quick, but somewhat milder reaction. Basically persistent fatigue, mild headache and a little joint soreness (mostly neck and shoulders) starting after about ~2 hours and lasting about two days. Got my second shot Wednesday morning and as of this morning I feel 99% normal with a tiny bit of soreness lingering at the injection site.

My first shot just resulted in soreness at the injection site for half a day. My co-worker was the exact opposite - first Pfizer knocked him on his ass, second basically nothing. Go figure.

It was a virtual appointment. The doctor said to wear a splint, take ibuprofen, and schedule an in-person appointment if it’s not resolved by Monday.

FWIW, it’s very unclear if this is even a side effect of the vaccine. It seems to be a swollen tendon in my thumb, and the cause of swollen tendons is often unclear but can be due to repetitive movements. I am an athlete that trains in an extremely grip-intensive sport, and my boyfriend thinks this is an unrelated injury.

I would be inclined to agree with him, except that (a) This occurred in my vaccinated arm, not my dominant arm, (b) It was a sudden onset, occurring the morning after I got the shot, and (c) I did absolutely nothing strenuous with my hand between getting the shot and having these symptoms.

My doctor remarked that it may be unrelated, but also remarked that she’s seen women in particular (which I am) exhibit some strange symptoms in their vaccinated arm after getting the shot. Maybe it’s a combination of both? That my tendon had some sort of microtear that needed healing, and the immune system reaction prompted by the shot caused excessive swelling?

For the record, my hand is not back to normal yet.

First shot, soreness, mild headache, for the two following days (not counting the day itself, in which it was only the mildest soreness).

Second shot. Currently on day V+1. So far, soreness, fatigue, nausea in the early morning, some chills/hot flashes, some brain fog. Best description is “mildly hung over”. Will see how long it lasts before entering the second question.

The day before my first Pfizer dose, I had an excruciating acute onset of hip pain due to a flare up of PMR (Polymyalgia rheumatica). If I had my vaccine a day earlier, I’d have assumed my pain was related to the vaccine.

Just sayin.

Fair point, and honestly one that applies to a lot of my supposed “side effects.” I have been under a lot of stress at work recently, and it certainly wasn’t the first time I came home from work tired and with a headache in the last month. And with my athletic training, it wasn’t the first time I’d felt some muscle pain in the last month. So I’m not really sure how to trace cause and effect.

I wound up going back and changing my poll answers. My arm soreness lasted a bit longer, but was not a big deal. But my fatigue increased, and lasted about 6 days, with a couple of days of feeling extremely tired. My back muscles would get tired from just sitting up in a chair. I was not sleepy, but I just wanted to lie down and do nothing for most of the day. I was able to work, but I felt exhausted.

I’m a bit more worried about shot two now, but I also can’t wait for it to be done.

Be careful. I’m on day 12ish of feeling like crud after my first Moderna; I finally got a covid test yesterday, wondering how a reaction this long could be from the vaccine. I’ll find out tomorrow.

2nd Moderna yesterday a.m. Late afternoon, got slammed with fatigue, followed by fever of 101, chills, headache, a cough, and feeling cruddy all over. Still have all the above today, almost 24 hours later. Hopefully it’ll clear up today.

48 hours on and no notable reaction from second Pfizer vaccine. The first shot wasn’t too bad but significantly worse.

First Pfizer shot: nothing. Most painless injection I’ve ever had.

Second shot: nothing the first day (I got it in the early afternoon). The day after I got really tired in the afternoon, about 24 hours after the shot. Despite the fatigue I didn’t sleep that well. Third day I was fine.

Anybody get a worsening of their tinnitus? I had my first Moderna shot back on March 23rd and over the last 4 or 5 days mine has ramped up pretty bad. Have no idea if it’s even connected though - I just know some people have reported it as a possible side effect and some say it got worse after the second shot. I have my appointment for the 2nd shot tomorrow, and I have no idea what to do - if they are connected I sure don’t want it to get worse.