POLL: How was your vaccine reaction?

Update: first shot of Pfizer gave me a slightly sore arm, starting several hours after the actual jab, and some ambiguous intestinal issues that might have been related or might have been coincidental. I had full mobility of the arm but lifting weights was painful.

Second shot i barely felt, but i was tired that evening and went to bed early. The next day i could barely lift my arm from the pain. It’s probably relevant that the second shot was injected higher into the arm than the first one, but it hurt worse. I also had minor aches and pains all over. Everything that ever aches happened to ache that day. None outside their ordinary range of achiness, but all at the same time. I also had a hint of a headache and was tired enough that i napped for three hours that afternoon, and still went to bed at my usual bedtime. But the following day i felt fine. A couple days later the injection spot feels slightly tender if i poke at it, but i wouldn’t notice it if i wasn’t poking. :wink:

I’m so happy to have gotten them both!

After the first shot (Pfizer) my arm was sore for a few days and I was extra sleepy and tired and my head felt “weird” for about 3 days.

I’m now 4 days after my second shot, and the only thing I’ve had is a sore arm. It still is a tiny bit sore but barely noticeable.

Update, it’s V+3 on the second shot and I am essentially back to normal save for the tiredness, but that could itself be a result of 3 days of hardly any sort of exertion and having restless sleeping during nights 2 and 3. Temperature went mildly up during the +24 to +48 hrs period but as with the headache some APAP took care of that. Day +3 morning finally with no nausa or “hung over” feeling.

Not that I noticed, on either first or second and I also got Moderna. Had a “change of tone” episode about half way between the shots that went away fast but I get those once in a while so hard to associate.

Thought I’d pop in and say that I awoke this morning with no fever and feeling much better, so the worst of the effects of Moderna #2 started 6 hours after the poke and lasted until 44 hours post-poke. I’m quite fatigued today, but all the rest is gone.

I hadn’t bothered to look at the injection site until today and was surprised to see a 3: swollen, red area around it. Moving that arm was much more painful this go 'round but is much better today as well.

I got my second Pfizer shot on Wednesday. I took a huge gamble by booking a little vacation from Friday to Sunday. Somehow I got away with zero side effects aside from a sore arm that only hurts when you touch it. It’s actually still sore today (5 days post) but I haven’t felt any more tired than usual. All I can say is that I was well hydrated before and after, like I am when I donate blood.

So some may remember when I said in another thread I’d be disappointed if my immune system didn’t demonstrate some little response, indicating antibodies were doing their thing.

I got Pfizer Shot #2 yesterday around 12:15 p.m.

I got it within ten minutes of my arrival, much quicker than Shot #1. I did my 15 minutes and got home to await side effects. Second shot stung and was noticeably more painful than the first one, but it was over fast. Nothing to bark about.

Nuttin’. A little soreness at the injection site, a bit of redness and swelling. I spent a pleasant evening and felt glum over my worn-out immune system.

Until 2:00 a.m., when I awoke for the Customary Pee. I felt like I’d been hit by a rattlesnake. Chills so virulent I was shuddering. Joint aches. Headache. General body soreness and a weird heaviness, like I’d gained 75 pounds overnight. Thirst. And the weirdest thing, a relentless twitching muscle in my chin. I could NOT get warm. I had the mattress heater kicked up to 3 (it only goes to 4) and still I shivered. Sleep was poor, but I didn’t want to get up until the chills gave over.

I was overwhelmed with a lust for hot coffee at around 7:30 and the chills finally abated, so that got my butt out of bed. Blood pressure and pulse were up. Gee, just like I’m sick or something!

Believe it or not, the coffee helped. I’m starting to feel better. I think I’m over the worst of this. (She said quietly.) How unpleasant for those here who are suffering these side effects for for days.

The age-old moral of the story: Be careful what you wish for. :confused: Hope the boosters are easier.

I have been experiencing tingling in my last two fingers (Ulner nerve). I’ve had physical therapy in the past for the same issue and it has always been a issue with the nerve as it leaves my spine and travels toward my shoulder blade. The vaccine seems to have caused this latest bought by proxy. It caused muscle tightness in my back and the muscle tightness revealed, or exacerbated, a problem I already had.

Hopefully that’s all it is for you.

OP here. FYI, 17 days post vaccine I still feel like heck. Very very fatigued. I did get a Covid test: negative.

Maybe it’s a tumor.

What the hell kind of response is that?

Got my second Pfizer shot Thursday 4/15. Felt kind of queasy and had a headache that day but nothing I couldn’t deal with. Arm was sore too. Friday I was so fatigued I could hardly get out of bed. I was trying to work from home that day but was falling asleep sitting at my desk. When my mom had COVID at Thanksgiving her main symptom was extreme fatigue. She’d sit down in her chair and all of a sudden it was three hours later. So I’m not entirely surprised I reacted to the vax like that. By Saturday I was mostly fine.


Similar here. I got my second Moderna yesterday, and I felt fine all day. Then I woke up about 4am and felt bad enough I couldn’t get back to sleep. Mostly just joint and muscle pain (how does a shot in my arm make my ass hurt?). I also had the thirst thing, but after breakfast that went away.

No fever or chills, but I did get that from my first shingles vaccine a few months ago, and it wasn’t any fun. Fortunately it passed pretty quickly.

I’m glad you didn’t get the fever or chills. I never took my temperature because I never felt feverish. The chills were very bad. Mercifully, they only lasted for about 6 hours.

I’m 2 days post Pfizer Dose #2 and except for swelling, redness and itchiness at the injection site, I feel pretty much back to normal. The headache was the last thing to go.

Glad that’s done with! Bet you are, too. Hope your ass is better. :smiley:

I may be misunderstanding, but, chills usually mean fever. Especially shaking chills. It’s part of how your body regulates temperature – when you’re “too cold” your muscles contract and make you shake and shiver to generate heat. People with significant fevers are often shaking and shivering, and bundling up because their body’s temp. set point has been raised, essentially. Usually you only feel hot and eventually start sweating after the fever breaks, when your body decides to cool down.

ETA: Did anyone switch arms for the second shot? I’m curious if anyone did, and whether the arm soreness was worse on the second shot than the first.

I agree with all you said, but I’ve had really bad chills (bundling up in layers in a 70F room) with a normal temperature.

Yep, me too. That’s why I included the wiggle word “usually.” :slightly_smiling_face:

Sometimes it’s been that my temp was on the way up, but hadn’t risen yet, but also sometimes seems to be something else.

Yes, I changed arms and yes, the second shot was worse in terms of arm soreness.

I agree with you, but even though I didn’t take my temperature, I can usually tell when I’m feverish by feeling my forehead. It never felt overly hot – certainly not to the point for those horrible chills!

T + 24 hours.

Just like last time, zero symptoms other than the arm soreness thang.

Looks like I lucked out, x2.