poll re:Chrylser will no longer put owner manuals in its cars. Did you ever use your owner manual?

I tried to use mine a couple of times, to find out what the type of light bulb was in my tail light, and what my tire pressure should be. The first was not listed, and the second just said look on the door edge sticker.

Yes, I have consulted my owner’s manual several times.

When I jump-start a car, mine or someone else’s, I check the manual to confirm that I’m doing it correctly.

I’ve looked up how to change the tail light.

I’ve never had to change a tire on the car (thanks AAA!) but if I did, I would look at the manual to determine the proper placement of the jack. And maybe how to use the jack if it wasn’t completely obvious.

But after AAA changed my tire, I looked up information on how fast and far I could go with the donut spare.

And this one is really dumb, but I couldn’t find the switch for the hazard lights, so I looked it up. It’s right in the middle of the dashboard. :smack:

Why aren’t they including them? Cost? What in incredibly stupid idea!
ETA: I didn’t vote in the poll because you didn’t include reasonable answers like “sometimes.” There’s a big gap between looking at it “regularly” and “never.”

Seems like a good idea to me as long as they offer the manuals for download.
Also, you can get a MyGig system with Chryslers. That has like a 7" viewable screen. They should tweak the software on there so that pressing a button brings up a digital copy of the owners manual complete with search function and troubleshooting algorithms right there on the screen. How neat would that be?

Seconded. What a completely stupid idea. There’s tons of things that vary from car to car. My wife’s car doesn’t even have a dipstick, I had to get the manual to figure out how to check the oil.

Delightful. Unless your battery is dead.

I like dead-tree reference manuals.

Sorry about that. They make you pick the number of questions before you actually write them and I didn’t have them all laid out and couldn’t go back and add one.

None of your choices fit for me - but yes, I have used the manual when I needed it.

I could see reducing it to a placard with the essential information only, but that’s the outer limit of what I’d accept. What kind of oil do I need? What’s the tire pressure? Where is the jack, and how do I assemble it? Where are the jackpoints (IME, changing it myself is faster than waiting for AAA)? And from time to time it’s been useful to know other things, like gas tank capacity, and having the information right there in my glove compartment was handy. Finally, it’s nice to be able to look up the actual service intervals on the spot when the guys at the oil change place try to sell me a new air filter because the old one is dirty.

On second thought, yeah, getting rid of the owner’s manual is a bad idea. In the highly unlikely event that I ever buy a Chrysler, I would insist that the dealer throw in a hardcopy (which they probably still stock in Parts).

The only time I need a car manual is in the car, where I don’t have Internet access. I’ve used my manual fairly regularly.

There isn’t an “I occasionally refer to it” option. I do some maintenance on my truck, like replace lights, and I use it then, but half the damn book is for other variations of my model.

Car manuals, like other reference manuals, are intended for infrequent use possibly under unfavourable conditions. They need to be simple, rugged, and usable outside in darkness and rain. Paper manuals are far superior to PDF files in this case. Does the company propose to throw a ruggedized tablet computer in the glove compartment?

And if they are providing PDFs, they aren’t even going to save most of the cost of publishing them! Printing is just an optional extra step at the end for tech writers these days; we make a PDF to send to the printer’s. The bulk of the cost has already been spent.

If they’re going to throw it, it had better be ruggedized. :smiley:

I’m another who would say “I refer to the manual occasionally.” It contains useful instructions for simple checks (e.g. where the oil dipstick is and what it should say) and simple repairs (e.g. how to access and change all light bulbs), and simple troubleshooting (e.g. explaining all the idiot lights). Sure, I can buy a Chilton’s or a Haynes for more detail, but the little manual that comes with the car often answers those simple questions quicker and fits in the glove compartment better than a Chilton’s or a Haynes. And has been said, the manual can be read when the battery’s dead, and in all weather conditions.

I’d be rather pissed off, the first time I try to figure out where the fuse box/boxes are, and can’t because I’m in my car, not in front of a computer. Add me to the “Occasionally” column.

Where’s the option for: “refer to it when needed”? As others have pointed out, they aren’t really intended to be read through cover to cover like a novel (although some fastidious owners might do this), but they are indispensable when you get warning lights you have never seen before lighting up at 2AM in the middle of the desert (which has actually happened to me).

Also ‘occasionally’. One thing I remember checking was at what speeds can you shift into and out of 4WD.

When I’ve rented cars, I’ve skimmed through the manual just in case there was something strange about that car that I should know. Once I rented a car and the tire pressure warning light went on - but the light was unlabeled and bore no resemblance whatsoever to a tire or to an air gauge. Without the manual I wouldn’t have known what it was.

I read it initialy. And I will refer to it about scheduled maintenence. Mostly It’s just a place to keep my insurance and registration papers.

Oh and I did refer to it when I had a flat tire. It was pretty much no help since the tools I needed to remove a damn 16p size cotter pin to get the spare off did not come with the spare tire change ‘kit’. I have since added a go kit to the car.

That will teach me not to practice first. Try straightening out a big ass cotter pin with a rock and a pocket knife. I’m lucky I didn’t loose a bunch of skin on that move. The maintenence book had no mention of this extra feature.

The thing that sucks right now is I can’t set the radio clock because the directions weren’t in the owners manual. I think the stereo was an upgraded one from the dealership. I have to disconnect the radio power at noon to set the time.

I agree. I don’t own a car, but I do rent one occasionally. When necessary, I refer to the manual.

Sure I use the manul. Where the hell is power steering reservoir? What viscosity oil? Where did they put the @#$%^! fuses?

No dipstick?
What make of car and how?