POLL: Shark or Skull?

I hear the Sharks and Skulls are having a rumble Friday night at the alley behind the drugstore. You can find out who’s better then!

New user name?
Hood ornament?
Halloween costume?

I vote for shark. Skulls are so goth.

Skull. Please don’t brand yourself…

Do you mean human skulls or any kind of skull? If just human skulls, the sharks are more cool. Just more variety and usage possibilities. If all skulls, then an Alien skull would be way cool



(Tiburon means shark in Spanish.)

Human skull, no aliens… looks like sharks are catching up!

and… I’m already branded (and pierced) :wink:

AND… It is not -
*a rumble (although I thought about that when posting and found it quite amusing)
*a user name, I like broccoli! thanks :slight_smile:
*a hood ornament, but when I get my '58 Chevy i’ll keep it in mind
*a Halloween costume
*a form of transportation
*a soup
It’s much much cooler

Woah, recounted and it’s Sharks nine, Skulls eight! (I have this posted somewhere else as well)

Zebra, just a plain old human skull versus a, say, great white shark.

Skull. Sharks are so surfer

Then Great White for sure.

Yes, and Shark mean Tiburon in English.

It’s obvious that the coolest of the cool are sharks in any language.

Requin (French)
Haifisch (German)
Squalo (Italian)
Tubarao (Portuguese)

You have personal endorsements from two Sharks and none from a skull. I think this should make the decision clear.

As an owner of a skull, I think they are way cooler than sharks. Plus they make you think of skulls and crossbones. Which make you think of pirates. And who was in the last Super Bowl? That’s right, all pirates. Therefore, skulls are the best.


I would much, much rather touch a human skull than a shark.

You’re having this done in surgical steel and implanted under your skin, right? That or you’re doing some sort of ritual scarification? In either case, neither is cooler and both are IMHO just silly.

O.K., I don’t know if I should let you all keep making wild guesses, or give you hot/cold. Do you want hot/colds? We should retitle this thread: The Poll Game: Sharks vs. Skulls!

Oh yeah, it is not any kind of body modification

beegirl That was the Buccaneers, not the Pirates. (I just moved from Tampa and miss it horribly ;))

Sharks 12, Skulls 10

I vote Monkeys.

sea monkeys.