Polycarp told me to start this this thread....



actually, to address the comment you made earlier: Yes, i used to think Potter was “bad”, becasue I hung around a lot of fundies and they were all “oooh Potter evil!”
But now I realize science fiction isn’t evil.
See, some ignorance Has been aradicated here!

Hell no, but I’ve wormed my way in there.

I enjoy very much talking to Dave, and we’ve covered a wide range of topics on the few phone calls we’ve had. (I think he appreciates my having given him the last rites after he had a knife inserted in his chest at RTFirefly’s party.)

What he doesn’t mention is that in that phone call, he asked me to marry him.

Unfortunately, I’m not a clergyman, so he and Ginger have to seek elsewhere for an officiant.

Well, all we need to do is get you hooked on Star Wars and we’re all set.

However, remember Star Trek is the spawn of Satan.


“It’s evil, Jim, but not as we know it…”

Yes, but I think that if Gandalf came back in the books, it’s a pretty safe bet that he’ll come back in the films, too.

Ummm . . .

I gotta question.
See, I think I do see a difference between Rowling and Tolkien.

Master Potter & co. assemble ingredients to brew potions in cauldrons. They wave wands and chant incantations, they learn the placing of curses, turning people into stone and into frogs. They fly on broomsticks and their biggest annual holiday (at Hogwarts at least) is Halloween.

In short, they are stereotypical witches, only mostly without the whole evil warty thing.

As far as I remember, there’s virtually nothing like that in LotR.

Can someone give me an argument that the style and presentation of magic between the two series are not vastly different?