Polynesian harmony singing recognisable in Taiwan

I asked this a long time ago here and didn’t get an answer. Prompted by Exceptions to the rule: "On the Dope: For every possible question there is a person…, I’m going to ask again.

I went to Tonga sometime in the 1990s and was privileged to attend a small island church that was in mourning. The congregation sung a lot and well. The hymns were traditional western hymns but the singing was not. The harmonising was somehow distinctively Polynesian - to my ears, “brighter” at the upper middle and top.

A few years later I visited Taiwan. I went to the middle of the island to see the spectacular sights along the cross-island highway. The bus full of economists stopped at a hotel and we walked off. But somewhere in the hotel there was a choir singing. And it was the same as in Tonga. Startlingly so. I stood there gawping in the car park at the singing coming from a building for some time.

It looks like Polynesians come from Taiwan. I understand that. And I understand that a distinctive style of singing could well have survived the travel to distant lands and the adoption of new religions. But what I don’t understand is what makes the style of singing so distinctive. I don’t think it is chord voicing. I think it’s temperament. I just don’t know what it is.

Quick question: Did you ever see the 2002 version of “The Time Machine?” If so, do you remember the theme music that played through the movie? Did this singing sound anything like that, as far as tonal quality?

I am thinking that they may be using a different tonal scale than the one we do…I am not a musician, so I probably phrased that very wrongly. But I have notice that in Micronesia, as well as Polynesia, the singing seems to have different notes, which gives the music a really distinctive sound.

I have seen the film, but I don’t remember the music at all, I’m afraid. Thanks anyway, and I’m glad to find that I’m not alone in finding the tonal quality of the singing distinctive.

Taiwanese aboriginals come from Polynesia. taiwan is part of the Polynesian diaspora that went all the way to Hawaii.

I thought it was the other way around, the Polynesians came from Taiwan. Otherwise, where were they diasporin’ from, exactly?

Samoa, IIRC.

Was the music similar to what’s on this CD? (Scroll down for audio samples)

Yes, those tracks have that quality. It’s more noticeable on the tracks with both sexes, but it’s there for those where it’s just the blokes too. It’s the upper middle and top harmonies that seem distinctive to the sound.