Pool trick-shot

There’s this particular trick-shot in pool that looks simply amazing yet impossible to do. And I’m approaching the conclusion that the balls used in this shot are rigged.

Anyway, I’ll try to describe how it goes: Two balls are placed side by side say, twelve inches directly behind the center pocket and the cue ball another six or so inches behind the pair. The player then proceeds to strike the cueball and it makes contact with the two balls (exactly where, I can’t remember, it happened too fast). So far so good? After the balls are struck they start spinning or orbitting around each other (like binary stars) still side by side and they continue to do so until they fall into the center pocket.

I think this is rigged somehow. The balls could be attached together and one may be slightly lighter than the other so to make the ‘spinning-around-each-other-whilst-moving-forward-on-a-straight-path’ possible.

So my question is this: Has anyone seen this shot done before? Is it physically possible to do without rigging the equipment? How?

If anyone’s still confused with my description please let me know.

I’m not sure if I understand what’s happening, but a lot of “impossible” trick shots rely on a masse shot. It puts an incredible amout of english on the ball and can causes it to change direction as soon as the foward momentem wares off (usually a few inches). When done well, it’s fun to watch, when not done well, you can tear the felt on the pool table. The easiest way to tell if someone is using a masse shot (other then the ball changing direction in the middle of the table) is that the cue is held almost perpendicular to the table.

If I’m understanding this shot right, the balls are spinning around each other like a propeller, right? I’ve seen a shot like this. Yes, it’s rigged. The balls are connected together. I mean, can you really think of any other way to make two balls behave in this way?

Joey P, if I can remember correctly, I don’t think the guy masséd the cue ball, it was a straightforward strike.

pulykamell, yes, that’s what I was trying to get at. I couldn’t think of any other way that this could be pulled off, which is why I posted in the first place!

I think what got everyone amazed (if the balls truly were connected together) was that the player made people genuinely believe that they were ordinary. I guess I fell for it.

::browses ebay for “attached balls”::

The center pocket?

The side pocket, as you may call it.
To green_bladder: Yes, the balls are rigged, no other way.

Also, here’s a pretty comprehensive site for pool trick shots…

A friend of mine, back in my league play days, had such a pair of balls (No giggling!) that he would occasionally slip into the rack during practice.

Loads of laughs ensue…

If you want tons of laughs, get a cue-ball that is weighted on one side. Depending on how you hit it and where you hit it you can get some wicked movement out of it. People catch on right away though.

I believe that particular trick shot is described in Byrne’s Standard Book of Pool and Billiards. Or maybe it was on his videotape. In any event, the balls are in fact rigged. Drill a hole in each ball, insert a plastic or wooden rod with glue, and press the balls together.

There is no other way to make a ball orbit in circles. The best a masse’ shot can do is reverse a cueball’s direction, but a cueball can only impart a very tiny fraction of its spin to an object ball, so the masse’ would have no effect on the balls being struck.