Portal 2 is SPECTACULAR!!!!

Just finished playing this game last night and I gotta say WOW! :eek::eek::eek: Holy crap, what an amazing game! This game has everything I wanted: great story, memorable characters, unique gameplay, hard but not too hard (had to look up 3 solutions), pacing, and false endings…it just blew me away!

I had read a little bit of the reviews before I started. Nothing with spoilers, but I heard some common complaints: not as good as the first one, too short, not as groudbreaking. Fuck that, those people must have accidently played a different game or something because I have no idea how anyone who likes video games and FPS type games and puzzlers could not be utterly amazed by it!

It’s at least 2-3 times as long as the first one. I never felt length was a factor at all. The story’s pace was perfect and things happened when they logically would have, given what was going on in the story. There was a few twists that added many hours to the game and gave you a background in the facility. Whereas in the first game, you are kind of in the dark about the whole facility and GLaDOS’s role, in Portal 2 you find out everything you wanted to know and more. My favorite part of the game was going through the entire history of the compound and how it came to be

The gameplay is superb, and that’s without having even gotten into the co-op mode. It’s not just 2 portals and some tricky slingshotting anymore, but they were able to combine an ass-load of physics tricks into the game. And just when you think they’ve run out of tricks, you get some more.

Speaking of the tricks, while you were able to get a lot of game out of a couple of portals and gravity, you will be using them in new ways and areas that you could only have imagined in the first game. As I said, I LOVED the romp through the history of the facility. Valve really knows how to craft a believable, if fantastic world. At no time was I taken out of it by poor design. Maybe that’s just me, but the enormity of the facility doesn’t overwhelm but absorbs you into the game. Many times I found myself simply staring into the deep or looking above just to get a scope of how big the place is. Of course such a thing would be impractical and impossible in the real world, but that’s why it’s a game

The only thing I wished there was, and I’ve noticed this in many FPS games, is a lack of secrets. Maybe there are some on the 2nd playthrough, but I would have liked secret doors or something, side quests that tell you more about the background and history of the game world, stuff like that. Unlockables are simply not the same thing. But that’s a small complaint of such a great game. The voice acting was spot on, the dialogue was snappy and smart, and the characters were believable and fleshed out (despite having no flesh). If you like puzzlers and FPS, you owe it to yourself to buy this game! And it’s only $30 on the PC (think it’s more on the consoles) so you have no excuses not to buy it! Do it! Now! Go now, stop reading and buy it!

BTW, however, and I’ve complained about this before with Starcraft 2, I HATE HATE HATE the forced online registration part. People with slow connections are destined to be the 2nd class citizens of the 21st century! Took me hours to update before I could even play it, then when my connection crashed I was forced to wait for it to connect again. God damn it, I don’t want to play online, just run the damn thing off the hard drive!!! :mad:

I found it much shorter than the first one. I was also a little disappointed that none of the puzzles were very hard. But it was lots of fun while it lasted. I need to find someone to play 2 person with.

Yeah, I’m right there with you* (Edit: intended as a reply to the OP)*. I loved it from start to finish. The complaints I’ve heard seem to be a head-scratching mix of “It wasn’t like Portal 1 enough!” and “It was too much like Portal 1!” Personally, it hit that perfect sweet spot for me, exactly what I wanted out of a sequel to my personal 2007 Game of the Year: an expansion of the world, new puzzle mechanics that force you to once again bend your mind around possible uses of the Portal device, and wickedly funny writing and voice acting.

Plus: BEST. ENDING. EVER. Seriously. Oh my god.


I still can’t quite believe they did that.

Wait, what? The first game took 3 hours to complete. The single-player campaign of Portal 2, alone, is an 8-10 hour affair. Add the 5-hour co-op campaign and you’re looking at about five times the content of Portal 1.

Either you were terrible at the first one, or impossibly fast at the sequel. There is almost no way the first took longer to beat, let alone by a significant margin. Portal 2 is at least twice-three times the length of the first.

YogSosoth, I agree. Brilliant, brilliant game.

Close, there’s one better.


There are actually quite a few easter eggs hidden throughout Portal 2 - exactly the sort of thing you refer to (hidden doors, side hallways, and the like). If the following semi-spoilery phrases don’t mean anything to you, then you missed a bunch of stuff :):

Borealis, singing turret practice, Portrait of a Lady, Exile Villify, Oracle Turret

  1. Yes, it’s awesome!

  2. Much longer than the first.

  3. Puzzles at the start were SUPER easy, but about 1/2 way through become much more interesting and challenging.

  4. There are some secret rooms and places to find.

  5. Steam rocks. If the internet thing bothers you, simply go into “off-line” mode.

Singing turrets were super-creepy… and somehow sweet. Those things disturb me greatly.

Everyone here has seen this, right?


Finished the single player over the weekend, the 8-year olds and I have been going through the two-player. There are some interesting easter-eggs, too:


I think the reason why Portal 2 seemed shorter and easier than Portal 1 is that a lot of the puzzle solutions were obvious after playing Portal 1. When you see a panel sticking out of the wall at 45 degrees, you just know you have to put a Portal there and use it to launch yourself somewhere.

There is probably something to that. I was stuck on a few levels in portal for a while. The one where you had to keep shooting a portal at the top of your flight I had a hard time with that one because I kept screwing it up an making the portal on the wrong level. Portal 2 never had any puzzles that were not straightforward or tricky to execute.

That seems so to me too. Which is why I loved the romp through the historical zones. I wish those were longer

It was a solid game, good for casuals like the first. Good dialogue and characters in funny situations (I’m a POTATO). Low replay value, especially the coop. Solutions were super obvious because of the fact that 95% of surfaces aren’t portalable. Looking forward to the DLC. There’s plenty of secrets, I suggest checking your achievement list.

You can beat Portal 1 in like 25 minutes without even knowing speed run tricks. Portal 2 probably has 30 mins of just dialogue. The intro is like 5 minutes by itself.

There’s a new “controversy” because people (one guy) are saying that the game is anti-orphan.

eta: youtube link.

GLaDOS and Wheatley also spend a significant portion of the game mocking the player for (ostensibly) being, among other things, fat, stupid, mute, possibly mentally disabled, not-immortal, and human. I guess that makes Portal 2 the most controversial game of all time!

If you guys were really finishing portal 1 in 25 minutes. what is that less than 30 seconds a level? Then I do suck at portal 1.

Keep in mind that when he says “no speedrun tricks”, he means no glitches. You still have to know the puzzles absolutely cold to go that fast. I’d be shocked if anyone beat it in less than an hour and a half their first time through, and even two, two and a half hours I’d think was fast, for a first play.

I think most people take about 3 hours to beat Portal 1 on their first play through. Plus or minus an hour depending on how often you get stuck on a puzzle. Portal 2 took me about 9 hours to get through, plus another 5 hours to beat the co-op mode.

I did a “run” of Portal 1 just now without any tricks, doing it the way the developers intended and got 40 minutes (world record is like 13 mins, but it breaks the game badly). When I did the same for Portal 2 I got 2h:28m. So yeah, Portal 2 is much bigger. There’s a lot of waiting around for dialogue or scripted events plus a lot more levels. Half or Portal 1 is just introducing very simple techniques like flings and how to use energy balls. Portal 2 SP must have like 3x as many chambers (glados section, old section, wheatley section).

I have 13 hours listed on steam. I went back a lot when I finished to replay cool things so maybe it did take me 9 hours. I finished Portal 2 on the weekend I came back from vacation after it came out. I seem to remember taken a week or so to finish the first one but that was a while ago. I should probably bow to the combined testimony of people and believe that portal 1 is shorter. But I was sad when I finished 2 because it was short, I did not have the feeling that 1 was as short.