Portlandia on IFC

Heather Graham in the final ep! Loved the skit about the outdoor film in the park. I’ve seen these people with stacks of coolers, folding tables, and SUV strollers full of kids.

I knew where that link was going to go even before I hovered my mouse over it - I used to live sort of on the line between Ravenswood and Andersonville and have bought a number of books at that store. (Which isn’t only a women’s bookstore, it has plenty of mainstream titles.)

I’ve seen a couple episodes of Portlandia and I’m not sure it’ll ever be something I seek out, but it did remind me forcefully of my college years in Santa Cruz.

I’ve missed the last couple of episodes. Roomie doesn’t like it, and I don’t have time to ‘catch up’ on the DVR.

It’s like any other skit-based show. Some are good, others suck. It’s a Lorne Michaels production and has SNL written all over it.

I loved this show. I still hum “Dream of the '90s” myself when I get to work, amazed that the '90s can now be nostalgiacized.

A few fantastic sketches – the “locavore” restaurant, the conversation in which the major league baseball club somehow became a Saturday-morning cartoon.

They’re all over the country – Austin, Texas – Yellow Springs, Ohio

It wasn’t just Japanese tourists. It was Harajuku girls.

My, my, she was smokin’.

Reed College grad checking in to say hi to PDX’ers and PDX. Also, say hi to Bud Clark for me.