Possible benefit for long head hair on humans?

Purely sexual. Nobody wants to bed a baldy.

Originally our ancestors had hair like apes… then at some point their body hair got short and thin and their head hair got long. So I guess then that all of the short head hair genes got weeded out for some reason.

Apparently some human hair only grows a few centimeters but mainly it grows to a few feet.

I wonder if it is the same reason for beards… people mostly wanted guys with beards (even though many pluck or shave them)

Dude, you have no idea what peppercorn hair is, do you?

The ends? You’re looking at “ends” (the top, really) of very small and tight curls, there’s no way you can see the ends of the actual, individual hairs from that picture, much less possibly tell that they’re “rough” from being cut.

No I’ve never heard of it so I did a google image search…

BTW the short parts of this guy’s hair

look like that bushman pic:

To me that suggests that the short hair involves the same thing - cut hair.

It would be good if you could provide hard evidence that his hair only grows to about 2cm - I can’t just take your word for it.

So it seems you’re also saying that that bushman’s hair is at its full length… see my previous post and the first photo in it and how I’d like some hard proof. e.g. a webpage that says sometimes bushman hair only grows to 2cm.

I have no idea about the full length of bushmen’s hair and didn’t say I did. I was merely pointing out the absurdity of you using that picture as evidence as to whether or not he had cut his hair, as if there were any way to tell.

And the “2 cm” hair length bit is yours, not mine. I told you that the *curls *may extend that distance from the scalp, but the actual strands of hair may be closer to 2 inches if they were pulled straight and measured from end to end.

Well you seem to be saying that there is a very real possibility that he hasn’t ever had his hair cut - even though it looks about the same as the guy that had half of his hair cut.

Ok 2 inches then. Unless you can find a quote that talks about a 2 inch limit for some bushmen then I don’t think it has any evidence. Even anecdotal evidence would be something. But saying that you can’t tell based on a photo isn’t real evidence.

From “blackgirllonghair.com

If some Africans’ maximum hair length is 2 inches then it should have said so when talking about the “low end”.

So either the bushmen’s hair grows much slower or the active phase would be about 5 months (for 5 cm) - apparently.

No, I’m really not. I have no fucking clue. I’ll cop to being mildly curious whether or not that’s true, but because I have no clue, I’m not “saying” anything about the veracity of that assertion either way. I only replied to your post to point out that the conclusions you were drawing from that picture were BS - there was no way you could possibly see the ends of his hair were “rough” from being cut.

I wasn’t presenting any evidence, just dismissing yours. You gotta admit, it *was *BS. This is GQ, after all.

I said no such thing.

Look, this whole sideline started because you said with regard to African HGs: “it is common for the men to shave off all of their hair

So far, I’ve seen exactly zero pictures of any African HGs* with shaven heads*. Plenty of pics of Khoisan Bushmen with what I would regard as perfectly normal length hair, cut or not.

I never said Khoisan never cut their hair, ever. Just that I know (am related to, in fact) people with hair like that, that never do cut it. Some people’s hair just breaks real easy.

This is what hair looks like when it hasn’t been recently cut:


It has “split ends” and isn’t all exactly the same length.

This is what hair looks like when it has been recently cut - it is all the same length:


It is similar to shaved vs plucked/waxed - the tips are either rough or start off soft.

That bushman pic:

I think it is reasonable to assert that he has had his hair cut sometime in his lifetime.

  1. his hair looks the same as a guy who has definitely has his hair cut
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  2. in webpages that talk about the shortest maximum hair length, the shortest is far longer than about 2 inches. (e.g. 8+ inches)

BTW his face is completely bare. Bushmen have some facial hair. Maybe you’d also want to insist that maybe he also has never plucked a hair from his face in his lifetime and say that maybe he is the exception to the rule about having some facial hair. (in the same way that the minimum hair length for a lifetime is normally about 8 inches)

Earlier you said:

So on an African hair website they said that the minimum length for hair to grow is 8 inches.
That photo looked like a typical bushman. So if he had never cut his hair then a lot of bushmen would have never cut their hair either. Why was the author of that webpage unaware of hair that short? The simplest explanation is that that bushman has had a haircut in his lifetime.

I’ve seen some photos but maybe they’re more of a farmer or herder than a HG… anyway I didn’t say that I was certain of that comment. The purpose of that comment was to talk about what the evolutionary point is of having long hair if a lot of people are just going to shave it off - or at least cut it.

That guy’s hair was possibly 2 inches long if you straightened it. When you said “hair like that” I assumed you meant the same length. Maybe you mean the same type of hair. What I’m interested in is the natural maximum length of his hair, not the type (“pepper corn”).

Please tell me that “you’d” (bolding mine) isn’t referring to me. I thought I was pretty clear I wasn’t *saying *anything in regard to that, so *please *don’t tell me that you now have me as “also wanting to insist” anything… :smack:

Well you did say “I’m not “saying” anything about the veracity of that assertion either way” - when talking about his head hair… I thought maybe you’d feel the same way about his facial hair. (though that is getting off topic)

I should trust a completely non-scientific website that is biased towards telling African-Americans they can grow long hair, to tell me the truth about Khoisan hair, now? The author of that webpage is unaware because there’s a complete paucity of research into peppercorn hair, that’s why.

Why should I do that when I can just, you know, look at my own damn cousins’ hair?

:smack: So you’re incapable of distinguishing African ethnicities as well…

And incapable of actually linking to these shaven-headed people, that we may see for ourselves?

:smack: So why mention African HGs at all?

Wait, I know - is it the ridiculous notion that African HGs are somehow biologically “more primitive” than other humans, and so closer to ancestral humanity? Because otherwise what would be the point of distinguishing lifestyles?

African peoples have all lengths of hair from flowing-down-the-asscrack dreads to (yes) shaved. So what was your original point, again?

So does your cousin’s hair look identical to that bushman and has it never been cut?


I was wrong about it being common…

Because people have apparently been HG’s for at least about a million years (I might be wrong) and our evolution was involved during that time. Not for farmers, etc.

Well why is the potential for long or longish head hair universal if some people don’t even let it grow? I mean what type of evolutionary pressure is there making it universal?

Well why don’t you produce a webpage that says that it is somewhat common for some ethnicities to only grow hair to 5cm?

I also linked to this:

Can you find a link that says the active phase is sometimes only about 5 months?

Also you didn’t explain why the bushman’s short hair looks about the same as the one with half his hair cut - they should look different.

I’ve been trying to find webpages that agree with MrDibble. Well here is something relevant (though it doesn’t agree with him)

I would say that that in that photo his hair is cropped close to his head.

That link didn’t say that any bushmen naturally have hair that is super short.