Possibly the worst TV commercial I have ever seen

Mormons. Which I see Wendell already linked.

I can’t see that word without thinking of Paint Your Wagon.

‘They’re Mormons.’

‘What’s a “mormons”?’

Yes, that’s what it was for me, too. The level of earnestness was just taken to an extreme. The country music, the acting…it just felt like were one step away from winking at the camera.

Yeah I saw this a few months ago and had to search to find out what the heck they were selling (see the link in post #13). Actually, I think I did that to one of their other commercials which weren’t as bad but still mystifying and “wholesome.” It’s not selling any particular religion; the LDS Church isn’t shy about self-promotion in their commercials.

It reminds me of a parody as well, like either the Literal Music videos or the Real Men of Genius Budweiser ads.

Such a cynical mind! It’s about wholesome values, you know, like: after the camera cuts he’s obviously going to rub one out to the late night dildo ads and old Baywatch reruns using a little bottle of hotel lotion and a pack of Kleenex that come in a plastic pouch.

I, of the cynical disposition, actually love that song. The video was a bit over the top.

The slow motion was very SNL, so points for that, I have seen worse.

This one isn’t as bad as the Hillary commercial where a little girl asks her if she’s going to get the same salary as a man, if she gets elected.

:dubious: :smack: :rolleyes: :confused:

A child that age wouldn’t know to ask a question like that unless she was coached, and besides, I think we all know it’s massively illegal to pay people less because they’re the wrong gender, and has been for many years.

Funny. There’s a new law in California to enforce equal pay, because all the employers have to do is give the men and women different job titles and pay more based on job title. The new California law forbids that.


OK, here’s the Hillary’s commercial:

That's not nearly as bad as the one in the OP, from a Cafe Society perspective, IMO. That is, it's not as bad from an artistic sense, regardless of message. For balance, here's a commercial from Ted Cruz, that also includes little girls saying unrealistic things:
That commercial is also not nearly as bad. In fact, it's pretty funny.

Now, I’d like to thank you for introducing politics into this thread, but would remind everyone that Elections is one door to the north of here.

Whose kid is that, anyway? He bears a striking resemblance to Rand Paul.

You mean it’s not 1-800-kars-4-kids?

I’ve run my cars through neighborhoods fulls of kids for years, and I’m sick of all the signs telling me slow down.

Y’know, that commercial just might work for selling cell phones. “You can’t see your daddy in person, but with our phones, that let you share pictures, it’s the next best thing”.

For whatever-the-heck glurge meaning they’re going for, though, I think it works at cross purposes.

Reminds me of the kid from the Moschino Barbie commercial.

It’s a poorly-made commercial but not all that bad. I’d rather my child watch something like that than a well-crafted gay-themed ad, or some other deconstructed traditional family scene.

Uh, what?

You know, Don Pardo is an anagram of Drano Pod.

[quote=“Licentious_Ectomorph, post:34, topic:741995”]

Reminds me of the kid from the Moschino Barbie commercial.


Oh, Moschino Barbie kid. I was convinced this had to be an SNL bit when I first saw it.

[quote=“Licentious_Ectomorph, post:34, topic:741995”]

Reminds me of the kid from the Moschino Barbie commercial.


