Post 9/11 Fucking Imbeciles! Who's running the CIA, anyway? WOODY ALLEN?!?

see here–


With my tax money…? :mad: :confused: :smack: :eek: :wally

Um, not to spoil your enjoyment of your outrage but that sounds like satire to me. You ever heard of “The Onion”? They do that kind of stuff. Satire. Look it up. You’ll like it.

Coalition Troops Pull Out, Peace Returns to Iraq

Expert Traces Path of Blackout Surge

at the bottom:

“Please note: ScrappleFace readers are intelligent enough to express themselves without obscenities.”
Thought that was funny too. :smiley:

Oh man, how embarrassing.

I hear ya. If I couldn’t tell a comedy/satirical news site from a legitimate one, I’d be embarrassed too. I notice the OP has yet to post anything else to the thread…:smiley:

Oh poor Bosda. :stuck_out_tongue:

Is this a whooshing, perhaps? Scrappleface is oft referred to in OpinionJournal ‘Best of the Web’; Maybe Bosda is having a bit of a sarcastic moment?

Eh, I don’t really like Scrappleface myself, so… Cite?

And both my damn TV and my damn VCR broke today, too.


I think I’ll go read a book. The Internet is too dangerous, today.

Best of the Web has a semi-regular section, generally called ‘<whatever> imitates’, as seen about halfway down here. From the homepage you can search for other references to scrappleface.

By way of apology, I offer this alternative news post.

Given the way you’re tearing into me, I’m certain it’s exactly to your tastes. :stuck_out_tongue:

Bosda, without wishing to put too fine a point on things, if you took the time to synopsize the articles you give links for, this blunder might have been avoided. I am beginning to routinely ignore your posts and threads because you almost always neglect to explain anything pertaining to what you’re linking to.