Post Here About Your Messenger Bag

I want to buy Mr. Tech a messenger bag as a gift. I’ve got my eye two Jack Spade bags. Here’s a link to the first one. Here’s a link to the second one.

I’m really leaning towards the first one because I like the shape and color better. The second one, though, works better with his wardrobe, I think.

This is the one I really want to get him but I really don’t want to spend that kind of money.

So tell me about yours. Specifally, I want to know why you like it, how much stuff it can hold, how durable it is and I’d love a link to a picture of it, if possible.

Thanks. :slight_smile:

Hee hee, my messenger bags are totally of a different style than yours. I have a Timbuk2, which has lasted through four years of biking around college and then some without so much as a tear. I also have an army bag. The Timbuk2 holds a lot (and you can get different sizes) and, better yet, it’s waterproof in the rain! The other bag doesn’t hold that much, but it’s nice for days when I want to carry a book, some papers, and little things. I want to get something like this with a laptop sleeve for my laptop, but alas…I’m quitting my job and moving so I don’t have any money to waste on more bags!

JuanitaTech, the practical gal in me says go for the first one, since it’s a darker color and won’t pick up dirt and grime like the lighter one. The leather one is foine, though.

I also have a Timbuk2, which IMO is virtually indestructible. I don’t even own a bike and I love mine. As illustrated on the site, you can custom design a bag. I have a pretty large one–I think it’s the Dee Dog–in all black. I used it as a schoolbag, since I could fit all manner of grad schooly big books and papers in it, and since it’s waterproof and I rely on public transportation I had no fears of my belongings getting soaked. Right now, I use it as a carry-on when traveling, a grocery bag, and an all-around tote.

It seems from your choices you’re looking for a dressier messenger bag for Mr. Tech. The Timbuk2 is pretty casual.

Wow, Laurasia, that Timbuk2 site is fun. I had a blast using the build your own bag flash tool.

The timbuk2 is a little to casual for what I was looking for, though.

Yeah, I kind of figured that my style and yours were too different…I just thought I’d post for fun…Good luck.

My messenger bag is lovely, but is going to kill me I think.
When I wear it on my bike, messenger style (slung over my back with the strap going diagonally across my chest) it apparantly cuts off the blood supply to my head, causing me to black out. Happened for the second time yesterday. BAD MESSENGER BAG!

I didn’t even know what a messenger bag was, and now I have to have one of those timbuk2 bags.

Add on $80 to my student loans, please! haha

Iteki-- messenger bag sling injuries are even worse if you have nipple rings. . .

If you aren’t going for ‘casual’ maybe you should get him a leather satchel with a shoulder strap instead-- that’s what I use on my bike when I’m going places where a green and tan Timbuktu or ancient oil-spotted Z-Bag doesn’t seem appropriate.
The middle size timbuktu at least, if I recall correctly, holds about a half-rack of beer.

I have one from Old Navy which is probably more casual than what you’re looking for. But for under $15, it can’t be beat. It holds quite a bit and has a special pocket for a portable CD player and a slot for the headphones to go through.

Thanks for all the input. Mr. Tech has casual messenger bags from A&F, Banana Republic (I think) and The Gap but I wanted to get him something a little more tailored, I guess.

I’ve decided to go with the first one.

I think I may order a Timbuk2 bag for myself now. I’m so glad you posted to this thread, Laurasia. :slight_smile:

Wow…$250+ for a messenger bag? I thought these things were suppose to be bohemian!

I got my messenger bag from a used clothing store for $6 (no way in hell I’d spend $275 for a bag, but that’s me). It looks a hell of a lot like the first bag Juanita posted, but it’s made out of microfiber, not leather. It even has the grey flannel flap. I love it. It’s the perfect size, it never gets dirty or too heavy to carry. It’s changed my life, not to sound too corny.

Juanita, I liked the first better than the second. (And the third seems a little feminine.) Good choice.

eBags is a great place to buy a variety of bags, wallets, suitcases, at some pretty low prices. I’ve gotten about 6 things from them over the past two years and they always ship fast and prices are hard to beat.