I don’t normally post in the BBQ Pit, so I’m sorry if this isn’t the place, or the tone, or the topic. But I’m pretty upset.
How long should it take you to get stamps at the Post Office? I don’t mean from the time you decide to get in your car and go get them, I mean from the time you walk in the front door?
They used to have a machine in the lobby. You can walk up to it, insert bills, coins, or even a credit card, tell it what stamps you want, and it vends it. Just like a … stamp vending machine!
For some reason, they took it out of there.
So now, when I need to go buy stamps, I have to stand in line. Behind other people who have NO FUCKING CLUE what they are doing in a Post Office. Some lady stuck the large postage labels to the wrong side of her envelopes, and the counter person spent 10 minutes helping her remove them and put them on the correct sides of the envelopes. Why wasn’t the lady told to go and prepare her postal packages properly and then bring them back? Some other lady was shocked to find out that she has to put postage on her envelopes or they won’t just get there. At least FIVE people decided to cut in line and ask questions - they were eventually shoved to the back of the line, but they caused a delay.
When I first arrived, there were four people behind the counter seeing customers. By the time they saw me, 3 of them went on break and weren’t replaced by other personnel. This is all at 2:30-3:00pm, not “right before closing.”
Then, in the parking lot, there’s some guy sitting there blocking a ton of other cars, with his reverse lights on, for no reason that I can see. Two of us are sitting there honking and honking at him, but he keeps sitting there. So … we had to drive in ways that blocked other cars in order to move around him and get out of the parking lot. Off in his own world I guess.
It took me 30 minutes to buy stamps.
So - why did the P.O. take out the machine?
Why are people such goddamned idiots when it comes to dealing with their own postage?
What can I do to have a better experience next time?