Post your gender here!

I like to think that not too many guys are named lola, but then again, there was that song by the Kinks…

Female. Definitely. I just checked.

Another great memory from childhood: when in grade school, since I liked to have long hair, some of the guys at school called me a girl. I became worried and thought maybe my parents had made a mistake. So that night over the dinner table I asked “Are you sure I’m a boy and not a girl? How do you know?”

My father, the fount of wisdom that he is, immediately came up with the right answer: “Because you are!” :smiley:

If I were a female, I wouldn’t be a Lord, I’d be a Lady.

100% Testosterone charged Barbarian here.


Since I’m not a MyssEcks or a MyzzEcks, I’ll go with male for $500, Alex.

“100% Testosterone charged Barbarian here.”

Mmm-mm-mm my Lord…

Sorry, better. Um, I’m a girl.
Who really likes charging barbarians…

<hopeful smile>

I’m quite confident that you’ve already guessed correctly, but all the same: I am woman, hear me roar.

<------ Male

You may just be the only roaring 'roo I’ve ever met. :wink:
Moi? Je suis une femme. (Peut-etre une femme fatale)

I am llama, hear me spit.

Oh wait, that didn’t answer anything.

Uh…boy llama here, I think. (Kinda hard to tell what with all this fur.)

I think I’m a male plane… why you ask??

… well didn’t you notice the little balls??

bwa ha ha ha ha ha!!!

Oui, et je suis roi d’Angleterre; d’ailleurs, j’ai un pont de “Brooklyn”, si vous voudriez l’acheter :wink:

::runs, hoping to avoid thrown bottles and corrections in french grammar::

Absolut[e] female

A welf phenomenally; a phenomenal welf woman, that’s me! :^)

puts on deep voice

Me man. Hunt, eat, go parties pee on pot plant. Not get invited back.
Me also steal lines from TV shows.

I’d have to gestate it in a box. :smiley:
Male .

I am a hedge. move along.

female. if you doubt it, come on over!

[deep bass voice]
Yes my beautiful young thing? Would you like to see my two-handed sword? :cool:
[/deep bass voice]


Proudly Female. Anyone want to try to prove me wrong? You’re welcome to it. ~AngelD112


I don’t have a gender. I have a sex, though. It’s female.

To see what sex about 250 (so far) of us dopers are, check the link in my sig, below…