Pot-free, support marijuana legalization - anyone else in this boat?

That’s my attitude as well. Anything that affects other people logically runs into the “your right to swing your arm ends where my nose begins” principle. If you want to nibble some brownies that’s another matter.

Yep – smoked twice in college and once the following fall (at Homecoming!) and didn’t much care for it.


I agree with Lynn. As long as it isn’t affecting me then have at it. I’d go as far to say if you want to snort cocaine off a prostitute’s bottom while injecting heroin directly into your brain, then it should be allowed, too.

Never tried it, but probably would. I do think it should be legal.

I’m a teetotaler, but I support legalizing it. I suppose I generally just have libertarian leanings…but also for the possibility and regulating and taxing pot like tobacco or alcohol. I’m entirely in favor of making money.

I have not only never used pot, I’m allergic to pot smoke. I think it should be legal, though subject to restrictions like tobacco smoking is now.

The only reason why I don’t smoke it now is because it’s illegal.

Man, I’d love to be able to sit in front of the TV while smoking a dube and laugh my ass silly like I used to when I was a younger.

That’s what I love about pot. It makes everything funnier. How can anybody be against that?

Tried it a few times, never liked it, but would still support legalization.


Don’t smoke it now but did in the 70’s. But I didn’t inhale. No, wait, that isn’t it. I DID inhale. That was the point.

I agree we would need restrictions to protect the health of “secondhand smokers”. I also think we may need various protections from people being inebriated while driving, or performing critical jobs. I’d like to see a somewhat cautious and thoughtful legalization, with the eventual goal of complete legalization except where specific harm ensues to others (whether anticipated or not).

Interesting timing as I’m just watching the Rifftrax version of ‘Reefer Madness’. Damn, I never new that pot was such an evil drug! Maybe I’ll have to change my vote.

Add me to the list. I haven’t smoked in ages due to a paranoid episode, but I’d like to see it legalized and put under the same restrictions as cigarettes and booze. I’d like to see harder drugs legalized, too (and I don’t do them, either).

I’ve never smoked it and support its legalization. Though to me its in the same boat as cigarettes. Smoke it in your home or in your car I don’t want that smell shit near me.

Count me in. I don’t enjoy smoking anything, and I really don’t have the time to get stoned, but I’ve yet to see a compelling argument for continuing to ban the recreational use of pot.

I’ve used it, and will again if I ever want to, though truthfully I don’t find it that interesting. I think it would be great if it were legalized.

Likewise (asthmatic, and pretty much completely disinterested in partaking of any substance that affects my thinking abilities, legal or not).

I don’t consider pot smoking to be some kind of moral failing, but I do believe that there are some people who can handle it, and some who can’t. But then that is true of alcohol and many other legal things. And there are documented benefits to pot in some cases. I’ve known of doctors who recommended it for cancer patients, legal or not. It’s silly for, say, morphine to be legal, but not pot.

You mean like you can get a higher yield per acre of paper from hemp than from trees? Those kinds of lies? Or do you mean some kind of pseudo-mystical hempseed oil is a wonder food kind of stuff?

Most of the stuff I hear is about what great cloth it makes and how much more efficient it is as paper stock.

It IS a civil rights issue. Mostly white people don’t go to jail for it, mainly it’s minorities, but even when white people do go to jail for it, it’s a violation of their civil rights.

I haven’t smoked today. I would support decriminalization or legalization.

Yeah, pretty much. I wouldn’t touch the stuff myself though.

I dont smoke anything except the occasional hunk of meat, or a kipper …

I just dont see why it is any more dangerous than alcohol and cigarettes.