Powerball: What would you do with $100M after-tax?

  1. Travel: see the world. America, Canada, Europe, Japan, New Zealand, Australia, China some of the small interesting islands. I’m not too bothered about the rest of it: Africa’s a shithole, India’s too hot, the Middle East is an obvious non-starter.
  2. Learn to fly and buy a Me. 262.
  3. Breed.

That’ll keep me more than busy for the rest of my life.

Get Ivylad the surgery he needs to permanently fix his back, travel, and endow a Rescue Fund to get incoming freshman out of our abysmal county high schools and get them into a private school. One boy and one girl each, for each high school.

I’d finish renovating my current house. I’d buy the house next to mine, and make the place a six bedroom house. I would then buy a house on the beach somewhere warm. I would quit my job and then travel round for a few years. I might then go back to school and be a permanent student. I would only study whatever interests me and not anything I would use for a career.

Buy a nice little place in the country with about a 30 stall barn , indoor riding arena, near wooded trails. Hire competant people to work there. Build a log house on the property. Populate that nice barn with Arabian and Friesian horses.

Most importantly, I would enjoy life for the first time ever.

I would immediately call my grandmother up and tell her she can quit her job and tell her boss and his kids to find someone else to put up with their crap (they treat her horrendously).
Then I’d quit my job cause it’s boring. I’d go back to school to work on getting my 4 year degree.
Get a financial advisor and invest most of it. Keep a nice chunk liquid so I can do what I want when I want. I’d pay off my family’s various debts and give them a fresh start. I’d buy a new car. I love my Corolla, which I’d keep, but a nice convertible would make me happy.
I’d get my motorcycle license. Arrange to live half of my year up North with family and friends, and half in Florida with sun and sand, and other friends.
Fend off all the guys who’d come out of the woodwork to propose their undying devotion. Girls too.
Buy my dream bird and live happily ever after.

I’d upgrade my Netflix membership too. :smiley:

I’ve thought of this throughly.

Pay off all my debts (including the large-assed college debt) and buy a home. Take care of my mom, kids and nephews (my brother can rot).

I’d invest a good chunk, and take a large portion to begin a private family Foundation, which would focus on vision/dental assistance for adults, housing assistance (like Habitat for Humanity with sweat equity) and college scholarships for those students who are financially needy and are “average” students, but want to go to college.

Buy a really nice condo in NYC, and a house out in the country outside of Houston, then build a huge garage beside the country house. After that, buy cars. Lots and lots of cars.

I’d also start a no-kill shelter, and help relieve the stress on many of the shelters around here. I would also give a lot of money to charity, and invest the rest.

All of this after I finished my college degree, of course.

Ack, and give a huge portion to family and friends, so they can live how they wish. Plenty to parents also, so that they can finally retire, and can send my sister wherever she wants for college, without having to worry about scholarships and financial aid.

More cowbell … lots more cowbell.

I’d leave the biggest-ass server ever made on the doorstep of the Reader with a check for 1 million bucks to run it. :slight_smile:

Of course, family and good friends would be first.

Then charity.

I’d create a university, get it accredited, and then I’d confer a degree upon myself so I can stop wasting time getting one now.

Solid. Gold. House.

and a jet car

I might actually splurge for the 30 pack instead of the usual 6 pack of tall boys.

Buy some companies and then fire people randomly. Put the fear of god into 'em! Then I’d hire them back the next day and say that it was just a joke, ha ha, here’s a few extra thousand to make up for it, heh, ain’t I a stinker?

Then I’d fire them again.

I don’t see how rich people ever get bored.

I’ve had a burning desire to learn Japanese for about five or so years now. So I’d quit my job and move to Japan. I’d live somewhere outside of Tokyo where’d I’d have to speak Japanese and I’d probalby teach English part-time as way to meet people. (actually, even if I don’t win the lottery, I might do this soon)

After gaining fluency, I’d move back to Austin and get multiple domiciles: the luxury penthouse right downtown for parties, the modest but exceedingly comfortable bungalow in Tarrytown, and a couple of lake houses. I’d continue with my volunteer work but step it up a lot. I’d also have the most incredibly fabulous shoe collection imaginable…

I’d pay off my car, buy a bigger house (just for more storage room) and get maid service/lawn care. Other than that, probably not much would change.

As a very young man I promised God I would give 30% of any Lottery win to a Charitable foundation that I set up. Even though I know that “Deal making” and “bargaining with God” is theologically dubious I’d still probably do that – not because I am superstitious but because I promised God facing 1:56ish million odds and I’d be afraid not to do it-- OK I guess that means that I am superstitious.

The remaining bit … I dunno … I hope I would use it to get more out of life for my family, friends & myself. Certainly we’d all have a better chance to do that with me carrying that cash roll … wouldn’t be surprised if it all came down to bigger houses, bigger vacations, more stuff, less 9 to 5, more comfort and … not much else (not that there is anything even remotely wrong with that in anyway or that I wouldn’t want that)

Isn’t that overkill?

Get both HBO and Showtime.

I’d buy some new socks.

After I had new socks I’d start working on my animal/wildlife/rescue hospital/zoo/school thingy.