Praise me and worship me, Fellow Dopers!

Was the chiseler perhaps also nude and perhaps female and perhaps attractive?

ssskuggiii, step AWAY from the chisel!

I wasn’t holding the chisel. :wink:

damn it, I’m going to defend my integrity as a sculptor!

I was working from a picture, of course.

and I had to “work around” the flaw… anything else would have left a bad mark. So I lopped off a few inches… no biggie, really. Right? <utter silence>

I’m never going to work in this town again, am I…

I told you, superglue isn’t going to be noticed. Now restore it back to its original size.

Now Monster, honey, you KNOW I love you, but worship is going a teensey, weensey bit far-don’t you think?


Well, I’ll think about it a little bit more, and get back to you in a short while.

