Prayers, well wishes, and good vibes requested, pulllleeeeaaazzzzze...

I got my personal MMP from my real estate agent. My house was shown 3 times this weekend, and she thinks there will be an offer coming from 1 or 2 of them.

It’s been on the market since December, and has sucked large amounts of money from my wallet trying to get it in sellable condition. I’m damn near bankrupt, but if it sells, I’m safe.

All prayers, best wishes, good vibes, and sacrificial virgins welcome.

Oh, on second thought with the virgins…

uses leftover incense from praying to the Sock God

the prayers and wishes of goodwill and luck you may have…

the virgins I keep for myself…


I heard if you bury a virgin upside down in your yard your house will sell quicker.

That might be hard. In that neighborhood, the definition of ‘virgin’ is an ugly 3rd grader who could outrun her brothers. We had to resort to a St. Joseph statuette instead.

Good vibes for an offer on the house vunderbob. I’ll be glad to sacrifice my virtue to any burly men you might know of who could help with making the deal go through. :smiley: Keep that in mind.


You funny.

Good luck with everything.

Prayers and good vibes headed your way. Unfortunately, I’m clean outta sacrificial virgins right now. . .

If you moved your house to Seattle, you be in a sellers’ market. They’ve been saying on the news that most houses are taking less than a day to sell. My husband wants to sell ours, but I won’t let him… where would we live!?

We just accepted an offer on the old homestead. Less money than we wanted, but still with a few bucks in the wallet.

I’m praying for this month to end!

slowly backs out of thread…


Congrats vunderbob! I’m sure it’s a great relief to be putting this behind ya.

I said a Hail Mary for you.

I’m pretty sure she’s still a virgin.

CONGRATS!!! What a relief it must be! Now all you need to do is meet me, and your happiness will be complete! :smiley:


Yay Vunderbob! Sorry I didn’t notice this thread sooner so I could agonize with you.

Pssst. what’s a virgin?

I knew there was something missing from my life!

'Zine, when I get the money in hand from the house, I’m going hunting for a layout room with attached house. Won’t find too many basements 'round these parts, since the hurricanes tend to turn them into swimming pools.

25’X25’, climate controlled, and with plumbing for a kitchennette and 3/4 bath ought to do it for the railroad; then I can think about space for the wife and kid.


My buyers took a walk today, so it’s back to square 1. :frowning:

I think it’s time to have my MiL dig up St. Joe and give him a thorough spanking.

… and then the oral sex.


Another request for good vibes from the Dopers. There appears to be some interest in my white elephant house, so please make your peititions to Og/God/The Tooth Fairy to let this one go through, thus staving off imminent bankruptcy.

I know exactly where you’re coming from, having sold my deceased mother’s house last May.

Best of Luck!

[sub]Being one of the “unofficial gun nuts” of the Straight Dope, I could always come down there and “make 'em an offer they can’t refuse.”[/sub]