August 6, 2001, 5:14am
I’m looking for some kind of specific reference as to exactly what petroleum products FDR prohibited the sale or export of to Japan in the run up to WW II. I ask because I nurture some vague memory that it was not a blanket ban.
Any help’s appreciated.
August 6, 2001, 6:00am
Thanks, GIGObuster !
Salient points garnered on a first read:
Shortly thereafter he prohibited the exportation of aviation fuel and lubricants to all but Great Britain and the Western Hemisphere countries. But the flow of oil and regular petrol to Japan continued without interruption, and its oil imports in 1940 only dropped to 23 million barrels from 26 million the year before.
Also in June the United States suspended petroleum exports to Japan from East Coast and Gulf ports.
On July 24th, the Japanese army, with the reluctant acquiescence of the Vichy government in France, occupied key positions throughout Indo-China. And on July 26th, President Roosevelt ordered the freezing of all Japanese assets in the United States and the placing of all petroleum exports to Japan under embargo subject to licence.
I’m still looking for more.