Predator (the movie) question

So I’m watchin Predator tonight and the monster finaly takes off his mask,
As always the monsters face reminds me of a crawdads face. Not sure why. Whats it remind you of?

Ayn Rand.

Mods could you move this to IMHO? Yeash!

Moderator’s Note: Moving from GD to IMHO.

I always thought it had a spider-like quality.

I did a Google search on Ayn Rand and you’re right she does kinda look like the predator.

sorry, no html skillz

Yeah, he has a point, arachnids are warmer.

It’s a symbolic vagina.

While arachnids also have those mouth fingers (IIRC pedipalp is the technical term) the overall shape and structure of the rest of the face, plus the coloration and texture of the skin always seemed crustacean to me.

It definitely seemed crustacean-like to me.

It’s a cigar.

Kinda makes that “If it bleeds we can kill it!” line more interesting…

Well, there are all those half-naked musclemen waving enormous phallic guns about, who don’t show the slightest interest in the woman they rescue: face it {pun intended} it’s the vagina dentata all over again - Arnie must symbolically vanquish the castrating female. “Ain’t got time to bleed”, indeed.

Silentgoldfish, Sometimes a horrifying alien killer is just a horrifying alien killer…

Yet you overlook that Arnold discards said “enormous phallic guns” in order to defeat the Predator. The Predator, far from being a symbolic vagina, is in fact itself a symbol of rampant male sexuality. Everything from its hyperpowerful shoulder cannon to its enormous muscular physique to its mask cum helmet bespeaks its phallocentric nature. Arnold is the devouring vagina that symbolically castrates the Predator. The mask/helmet removal scene is only there to emphasize that aspect of the subtext.

In other words, it’s a sexual predator.

I’m not really sure on the philosophical rammifications of the movie but all I have to say is “GET TO DA CHOPPPPPPPPPAAAAAAAAAA!”

I just think it’s funny that Jesse and Arnold were both in that movie. I wonder if they talked politics on the set.

“Stick around!”

Are you following me?

I’m the cigar-chomping hero, the alien is symbolic vagina, and the rebels are the tyranny of evil men. Or maybe I’m the crustacean-faced alien, and you’re the symbolic vagina, and the phallic gun the tyranny of evil men. But we both know that shit ain’t right, Ringo. The truth is, the cigar-chomping hero with the phallic gun is the good guy, the vagina-faced crustacean alien is the bad guy, and the CIA mole is the tyranny of evil men. But I’m trying real hard to be the shepherd, Ringo.