Presto pesto poll

Alliteration is so soothing somehow. :slight_smile:
So, the garlic is harvested, the basil is bushy and fragrant. It is time…

for pesto! I whipped up my first batch of the season last night and it is simply transcendent. Really, really yummy. I mean I licked the bowl of the food processor, it’s that good. And I got to wondering how to use this green gold in the manner most befitting its wonderfulness.

I like pesto on pasta of course and I stir it into scrambled eggs on occasion. It’s great in mashed potatoes as well or in a pot of freshly cooked rice. I’ve slathered it on pizza as well. But what else?

I am eager for your ideas. Enlighten me.

Um, by the spoonful?

Pasta with pesto is a classic. But there needs to be plenty of pesto – some folks seem rather stingy with it.

Here’s a recipie for another uncooked pasta sauce. I call it “Pesto to the fourth power”

Garlic - crushed
Basil - plenty, finely chopped
Olive oil - the best you can find
Tomatoes - lots, diced
Parsley - finely chopped
Onion - small quantity, finely chopped
Black pepper - freshly ground
Pecorino romano cheese - grated

Proportions are at the discretion of the chef, but use plenty of tomatoes. Really fresh ingredients (especially the basil and tomatoes) add much to the quality. If you can get good-quality yellow tomatoes, use some of these.

Mix all ingredients in a large bowl and serve over fresh, hot pasta (e.g. linguini) accompanied with a good italian red wine.

I once heated sourdough bread and spread some pesto on it, along with grated parmesan cheese. Yum.

Both, ok all three, ideas sound good. Especially the bread. Definitely going to try that.

Any other creative cooks out there?

(sorry if this is a double-post)

Slice some fresh mozzarella and tomatoes. (Red onion is optional.) Drizzle with pesto. Yowzers!

No pine nuts? That ain’t pesto! (Me, I’d leave out the tomatoes as well, but I guess some folks like 'em…)