Pretty sure I left my macbook pro in the drawer at work without shutting down

As the title suggests… Just left for a long weekend, congratulating myself for squeezing 5 days of work in a 3 day week.

Occurs to me, though, that after I yanked everything from my macbook , and put put in a drawer, that I almost certainly didn’t shut down. So the poor thing is going to be running until it dies or monday, whichever comes soonest.

Question is, would it be worth jetting back to work just to turn my computer off?

Do you have it set to sleep after a certain amount of time?

ETA: Oh, wait - it’s in a drawer? So, it’s closed and sleeping?
I do this every single day - the machine can sleep for around 4-5 days. After that it will die, but it will restore from the HD once power comes back.

Yeah, sleeping a much deserved sleep. So should be ok until friday, when I can more conveniently go back and get it?

If it had a full charge, than yes, it will stay asleep until Friday (and still have ~50% charge). Even if you have a crummy battery, the machine uses “safe sleep,” so it will save the contents of RAM to the hard drive in case of imminent battery failure. So, nothing to worry about.

As long as you unplugged the power it will be fine, and it probably would be even if you left it plugged in. I know my Mac gets pretty warm when it’s running, and I’ve heard horror stories about them damaging themselves if the ventilation ports are covered by a blanket, inside a briefcase, etc, but I think those are urban legends/one in a million type occurrences. I leave my sleeping Mac in my book bag overnight all the time with no ill effects. I imagine your drawer has much more airspace/ventilation than my book bag does.

When you get back to it, put it on power before opening the lid. When you do open it up, it may be in safe sleep - in which case the screen will be greyed out and unresponsive, It will restore itself after a short interval as it reloads the executing state from disk and resume as if just woken up.

More like one in 250-300. I take care of about 450 student MacBooks in a small school district. We lose one or two a year to overheating while closed up in bags. Normally, they stay asleep as long as the lid is closed, but occasionally they wake up in the bag. It’s not frequent, but the consequences are serious enough that we instruct the students to shut them clear down if they’re going to be in the bag for more than a half hour or so.

I usually leave my MacBook on for weeks to months at a time before rebooting. It’s never been a problem. The worst that could happen is it runs out of juice, in which case you just plug it in and reboot.

I only restart my MacBook when an update requires it. If it runs out of juice, it automatically hibernates. Plus it in, wait for it to resurrect, and continue on my merry way. Don’t loose a single byte.