Say in the past 40 years; what item has gone up the most in price?
The least? (I’m guessing the postage stamp for this one)
Some other possible candidates:
Pay phone prices.
Beverages in restaurants.
Basic groceries like milk and bread.
Houses in certain areas. (Our babysitter and her husband bought their house on the salary of a part-time tuna fisherman plus the extra money she made babysitting and ironing shirts for 10 cents each.) She just sold it for around $600,000.
My uncle told me when he was a kid (he’s about 50 now I guess) he was able to buy a bottle of coke for like $.05.
The price of water has inflated infinately, as far as I know, it hasn’t been for sale until recently (I could however be mistaken). Even if it was for sale, $1/litre has to be incredible inflation from whatever it used to be.
Even though it was at a recent high Gasoline was selling at below pre 70s gas shortage in real dollars last year. I don’t know about todays prices but it couldn’t be much of an increase over such a long time.
College tuition.
For Item that has gone up in price the most:
For Item that has gone up in price the Least:
Uhhhhhh, oooooohhhhh - good one…hmmmmm…I guess maybe… a pack of chewing gum?