Pride vs Beer

Pfft. I can improve on that.

Pride, the stuff that…



God put it there because He loves you, and wants you to be happy.

Who are we to question His will?


PS -

Shodan- close but not quite

“To alcohol, the cause of, and solution to, all of life’s problems.”

Damn, my first Simpson quote and I mess it up.

(I don’t actually watch the show.)


Or for the secular drunkard:

Man, being reasonable, must get drunk. The best of life is but intoxication.

Pride? In my younger days me and my buds would splurge on a case of Blatz beer, at the time I think it costs about 6.99. What a deal!

I can get a 12 pack of can Blatz for $3.99 around here, and a case of returnable(!) bottles for $5.99.


I see we run around the same class of friends ** hekk ** .

hic, yeah, and I’d eat the pizza slice on the top of the clean pizza box in the garbage.
