Pringles: Chip or not?

Fritos Corn Chips: Ground corn extruded and fried.

Tortilla chips: Ground corn cut and baked.

Why can’t ground potatoes cut and baked be chips. Seems if its big enough to scope up a dip or sauce it’s a chip.

Of course, the neat thing about Pringles is that they were supposedly ‘invented’ by a science fiction writer, though it might be an UL. I can’t remember which writer, I want to say Martin, but I’m pretty sure it ain’t him. Anyways, the SF writer in question was approached by the Company that owns Pringles, and asked to design a machine that could proccess dehydrated mashed potatoes to make them into something usable after they had an overstock problem. He designed the equipment that manufactures the Pringle chip as it is today, except that he wanted it to be thicker to avoid breakage, but Pringles wanted the faster cook time, and thus thinner crisps. This might be an UL, but is neat if true…and you thought Clarke really influenced society. :slight_smile:

>>Being Chaotic Evil means never having to say your sorry…unless the other guy is bigger than you.<<

—The dragon observes