printing a list from disc information

I have a disc that when loaded shows the titles of the folders of pix and individual photos on the disc. I want to print that list, and screen shot doesn’t seem to work. If I try to copy the names so that I could paste it into a Word doc, the computer thinks I want to copy all the pictures in those folders, and won’t let me. Any ideas how I can make myself an index of the disc?

Is this in Windows? If so, you can use a shareware program to list the file names:

Do you want the thumbnails too? A screenshot should work for that or anything else you can see on screen but it only gives you an image and not test you can manipulate. Try alt-Printscreen and control-v to paste it into Word.

AFAIK, there just isn’t a simple way to do this in Windows.

Fortunately you can download cheap (and in some cases free) software that will give you this capability. I have a program called XnView that does the trick nicely.

I know I’ve done something like this by using the DOS Command Prompt to send a directory listing to a file which I then printed out, but I don’t remember the details well enough to explain how.

I took Shagnasty’s suggestion, and am doing ok with the little directory listing program I got. (Thanks).

You can do it at a command prompt, but you have to first change to the drive letter of the disc. It’s probably E: So you could type:

dir /on /s /b > list.txt
(sorted by name, subdirectories too, just directory\file names listed)
notepad list.txt (view the list in notepad)

If your files are on E: (for example), you couldn’t do it this way also?

dir /on /s /b E: > list.txt

or maybe:

dir /on /s /b E:\ > list.txt

ETA: The commands suggested by control-z would attempt to write the output file list.txt onto the same disk as the files (that is, somewhere onto E: in that example). If the disk is read-only (like a DVD or CD for example), that wouldn’t work. You’d want to specify the destination file more completely, like:

dir /on /s /b > C:\somewhere-or-other\list.txt

More ETA: Depending on what you’d like your list to look like, you might want to omit the /b option. The formatting of the resulting list is different.

You might also like the results of

tree /f

Curious: In what way did a simple screen shot (as the OP first tried) fail to work?

And how does the lister program (as suggested by shagnasty) improve upon a simple DOS directory list (as suggested by control-z and me)?

Sure there is.

Select all your files (select-all, or rubber-band), shift-right-click one of them and choose “Copy As Path”.

The catch is it copies the full path, which may not be what you want, but you can always get rid of the parts you don’t want with find-and-replace.

When I read that, I assumed he pressed the “Print Screen” key and expected it to print the screenshot (this only worked in really old DOS computers); you have to paste it into a graphics program, even MS Paint, first if you want a printout, but I think the OP wants a simple text listing, which is what others are suggesting.