Prison Gay Sex


Sexual orientation is about what you feel: who you are attracted to.

Sex is an act.

Many people, male and female, have sex wiht thier hand or with some sort of machine. That does not mean they are “attracted” to the vibrator or their hand. It dosen’t make them a vibratosexual or an autosexual.

Sex IS an act, but everyone that engages in it has a feeling about it and the person that they are engaging in sex with. That feeling may not

In a sense the people are “attracted” to the vibrator or thier hand because it gives them the pleasure that they desire and seek that they may or may not be able to get from another person. I’m sure there’s a group of folk out there, small perhaps, that only engage in sex with themselves. I’m sure there’s a scientific name for this, but as of this day we don’t have a movement yet.