Private YouTube Channel?

I have a Flip video camera, which I love. Up until this latest upgrade Flip had this feature where you uploaded videos to a private “channel” and your recipient got an email with a link to this channel where they could click the link and watch the video. MUCH faster than emailing the video, as even the shortest ones are quite large in file size.

Well, the latest Flip software upgrade did away with that. I’ve been in contact with tech support and the only option for sharing now seems to be emailing the video or uploading to Facebook or YouTube.

I’m not on Facebook and never plan to be. The person I send videos to the most also is not on Facebook and never plans to be.

So I’m wondering if it’s possible to set up a YouTube channel and restrict access to it? Also to add and remove videos easily, as I might want one person to see a certain video, but wouldn’t want someone else to see it?

(I realize that I can set up a Facebook account and restrict it, too, but I don’t want to and even if I did, my friend would NOT go there to watch videos- I’m absolutely positive of that. Stubborn, yes. Don’t suggest I get a new friend either, please.)

Yes. When you upload the video to YouTube, there are privacy options, and one of them is restricting to certain people. If I remember correctly, they would need youtube accounts as well, since it restricts by YouTube username.

Another option, if they don’t want to set up a YouTube account either, is for you to start a free account at, another video sharing service. It has more privacy options than YouTube, including one that allows you to password protect the individual videos. That way you could only let the people you want to see a particular video know the password, and they wouldn’t need to set up an account anywhere.

Thanks so much for those replies!! :slight_smile:

Excellent suggestion about, Anamorphic! I went there and uploaded my video (which took no longer than it did using the Flipshare channels), “shared” the link, and it was instantaneous. All I need is the free membership, as I only share videos of my dogs with a couple of people. Thank you for that great idea. :slight_smile:

New Youtube feature: Unlisted Videos

Rather than marking a video as Private, which requires viewers to have Youtube accounts, you can unlist it, then share the URL only with your audience members.