First of all, this is from a homework assignment, but I didn’t see any rule forbidding such questions so I figured it was okay to ask.
Suppose a random variable X has a normal distribution, and for every x the conditional distribution of another random variable Y given that X=x is normal with mean a*x+b and variance t^2 where a,b, and t^2 are constants. Prove that the joint distribution of X and Y is a bivariate normal.
I have tried several approaches to this problem, but so far I haven’t been successful. My first reaction is to multiply the conditional pdf of Y by the marginal on X to get the joint pdf, and then show that this is equivalent to the joint pdf of a bivariate normal. However, for some reason this doesn’t work. Why is this? (algebra below)
Let f[sub]1/sub be the marginal on x, and g(y|x) be the conditional pdf for Y given that X=x. Then the joint pdf f(x,y) is:
(assume X has mean m and variance s[sub]1[/sub]^2) Substitution gives:
Since the above expression does not contain rho, I’m not sure how to get it into the standard form for a bivariate normal, which does include rho. I’m not looking for a step by step explanation, but some general suggestions would be helpful.