Dunno if I should be posting this here or not, but something seems to be wrong with the “Will capitalism fail” thread in Great Debates. When you post a message it times out on you and doesn’t update the Great Debates front page.
Dunno if I should be posting this here or not, but something seems to be wrong with the “Will capitalism fail” thread in Great Debates. When you post a message it times out on you and doesn’t update the Great Debates front page.
IANAMOA, but this sounds more like a server traffic problem than a problem with a specific thread.
Could be - but it has happened with a few different posts now and none of the other threads in GD (or elsewhere) seem to be giving a problem.
Definitely a problem - the board only seems to recognise 5 pages, but if you click on the little arrow for “most recent post”, you actually discover that there is a sixth page.
Yup, that’s a problem with that specific thread. Once a thread gets really big, it sometimes starts acting up. I made a new thread titled Is capitalism destined to fail?, Part II, so you can continue the discussion if you feel so inclined. Just FYI, an email to David B and I will likely get a more prompt response if you notice a thread acting funny.
I stand corrected! Kabbes, good judgement there. You taught an olbie something new