I know, I know, it’s old. I don’t have enough RAM to run anything more modern.
Anyway, my problem is this. When I try to print anything out, it starts spitting out pages with a single line of that postscript gibberish on each page. It’ll keep doing it until I turn the printer off. When I turn it back on, it’s fine, until I try and print again. I have reinstalled the driver, but that didn’t do the trick. Is it a problem with the printer, or has something discombobulated in the comp itself?
What model Inkjet? I used to have the same problem and that was with OS 9, so it’s not the operating system. The only thing that used to work for me was to recalibrate/clean the printer. It used to waste a lot of ink though, but would work for quite a while before the problem would crop up again. Try it and see if it helps.
It’s the basic little Color 740. I know about cleaning the print heads, but that hasn’t done any good. Is recalibrating it a different process? If so, how do you do it?
It’s the same process. If that didn’t work, then I’m sorry, I can’t help you. It’s been over a year since I worked with it, so I don’t really remember if there’s anything else I did to make it work.
Which PPD are you using for it? If you’re using the generic postscript driver or whicever default driver OS 8.6 laoded for you, that’s probably it.
I went ahead and went to their Website, and sure enough, they have a driver available for download for System 8.x. Try thislink and let me know if this driver works for you.
I know that this may not fix the problem, but there are a fewe standard Mac maintenance procedures I went through to solve problems like this. Try rebuilding the desktop. I don’t know what this does exactly but they tell you to do it regularly on the old Mac OS. Also reset the PRAM. This will reset many of your preferences and such things to default. Also try restarting without the extensions, and see if that helps. If so, one by one put back your extensions and restart until you find the culprit.
I don’t actually know anything, so hopefully someone with more experience will come along.