Product changes for the worse.

I find those windows keys very handy. Window + Break and Window + D are both useful shortcuts.

Other fun shortcuts: Shift + Control + Esc in 2k/XP.

Windows + F is the “Find my shit” shortcut. + M might minimize stuff for you, I can’t remember. But MOSTLY they just screw your gaming up.

McDonald’s shakes.

They were fine before, you could even sip it through a straw.

Not, the shakes are “better and thicker” or whatever the advertising now says.

Sucks. Um, no, I don’t want to use a spoon to ‘sip’ my shake while driving my car. I want a sippable (is that a word), suckable shake-- that can be sipped through a darn straw.

Why did they change that?!?! Why? Why, God, why!??!

Burgers from Burger King

They were the best from the fast food chains. They had a slight crispiness that you get when a burger is cooked over a fire. But they had to change a good thing - now they are just plain and gooey, like from McDonalds. I asked a manager if something had changed about the burgers in the past few months, and she said that they had gone to a “phase 2” kitchen, which involved microwaving the burgers after they had been cooked. She admitted that the burgers were not as good anymore.:frowning:

Apple Imac/G4 - where’s the floppy drive? Oh, that’s right, no one uses floppies any more. I only see customer files on floppies, say, 10-12 tiimes a week. Listen Jobs - lose the bells and whistles, give me back my floppy drive.

You ugly little gnome.

I agree about the new Head and Shoulders, I don’t like it. I think my scalp is itchier than it used to be…

I gotta stick up for the windows key. The less I have to reach for my mouse the better. I love keyboard shortcuts. I always rename all my start menu stuff to have unique letters. that way if I want Excel, I can just go Start,P,O,E Sure, it’s just ctrl-esc in disguise, but it’s easier to hit without looking.

McDonalds shakes are ass, though.

and I’m with stypticus on the “skin” phenomonon. Fine, if people want to make their MP3 player look like the freaking helm of the enterprise, that’s fine, but give me a normal default!

Subway sandwiches - they cut the bread differently now and the loaves are smaller.

  • M does minimize everything - I find it useful. In XP, + L does the same as Start -> Log off -> Switch user.

Those are the only two I know but I use them quite often.

Well besides the obvious downsizing, I’d have to go with my deoderant. I’d used the same brand for 17 years, and now they’ve decided to come out with new fruity scents. I don’t think there’s anything wrong with armpits smelling like peaches or watermelons, but it’s not my first choice. They no longer make the scent that I used, so I’m currently on a search for a new brand. I’d like to find a deoderant that just smells clean, rather than like a fruit-basket, you’d think it wouldn’t be too difficult.

I don’t know how I lived before Win+R. Win+E is useful too.

Czarcasm - re 5th Avenue, I feel your pain. They are still better than Butterfingers though. It’s been a long time, 8-10 years mebbe.

I miss 10-0-6 toner. Loved it.

Chanticleer – Vermont Country Store sells the original Lifebuoy –

Go nuts.

My theory on product changes is thusly: manufacturers introduce a new product at a reasonable price and build a following. After a pre-determined time period, marketing types figure customers are hooked and they change the product by using inferior ingredients, smaller sizes, etc., to save money. Customers won’t change because: 1) They’re hooked, 2) They won’t notice anyway. This is wrong because people aren’t stupid, they’ll just get angry and search for a substitute.

Consumer from Sweden signing in.

I agree with stypticus that the Windows Media Player gets worse for each new version. QuickTime for Windows wasn’t that great to begin with, but now it seems specifically designed to destroy Windows and I refuse to install it even though I’d really like to watch some of those movie trailers released in .mov format.

I’ll second the “keyboards in general” comment, too. I’m OK with a couple of pointless keys (like the second Windows key, which is in the same category as Caps Lock or Scroll Lock as far as I’m concerned), but what I can’t stand is when they add lots of extra multimedia and office keys that do things like “send all My Pictures by email”. Don’t need them. Don’t want them. They look stupid and the keyboards get unnecessarily large because of them.

Microsoft Windows XP
Slower, more bloated, a less user-friendly user interface that looks like it’s made by Fisher-Price, and I have to beg Microsoft for permission when I want to install it. No thanks, I’m back to Windows 2000 for now. Of course, in a couple of years there will be no support or drivers for that. :frowning:

YES dishwashing liquid
The old product was pretty much perfect; they would have had to add some kind of advanced cleaning nanobots to it in order to make it better. For the new and “improved” version they added lots of water and put it in a smaller, less attractive bottle. Guess if the price is lower. :rolleyes:

My main problem as a consumer isn’t that the brands or products I like change for the worse, it’s that they disappear entirely from the market - usually within months from when I start buying them. Very annoying, that.

The consumer equivalent of a thread-killer, then.

Deodorants- as soon as I find one that I like, it’s gone.
Hostess Twinkies- taste like carcinogens- didn’t used to.
We still have Hillbilly bread in Spokane- try Fred Meyers.
The way they jack around with my Pasta-Roni.
The Ramen with the egg- now I have to add my own.
Chunky soups- taste weird now- used to love them.
The cuts of beef are nowhere NEAR what they used to be.
Actually, on the Head&Shoulders “issue”…they now put out an entire line, and some of the product isn’t bad- although the shampoo that is closest to the original smells bad and doesn’t do for the hair what the original did- all nice and fluffy.
Sport socks- planned obsolescence if ever I’ve seen it.
Just about any kind of unmentionable.

Speaking as a 6’3 guy with a 16/37 dress shirt, I have no problem driving my '02 Mustang GT.

Though Pepsi Blue and New Coke were already mentioned, (P.S. the Coke you buy today isn’t the same as it was prior to New Coke…Sugar was replaced with Corn Syrup).
I still buy it by the gallon, but despise the Coca-Cola company for the reformulated, nutra-sweet enhanced Tab. Diet Coke wasn’t enough, they had to go and sweeten the sacharrin based tab with aspartane.

Speaking of beverages, what in the hell did Stroh’s go and do to Schlitz beer? The beer that made Milwaukee famous now tastes like a malt liquor hybrid.

Most of the old smaller breweries were bought out by the giants, and all that remains is the name. Schaeffer used to be pretty good beer. I think Heilman’s owns it now, only the name remains. Ditto Stroh’s, Pearl, many others.

I bought a box of Ring-Dings for the first time in years and years (since my mom used to buy them for me as a kid). Back then, the individual cakes were wrapped in foil. Now, they are sealed in little plastic sleeves! That’s no good! I want my foil!

And I think they might be smaller, now, too. :frowning: