Product changes for the worse.

That doesn’t smell like gym socks or fruit!

Arm and Hammer’s Powder Scent. I love several things about it. First of all, if I’m not sweating, it doesn’t smell. It smells a little when you sniff the whole bar of it, but on your skin it’s essentially scent-less.

Until you start sweating. (you know, the point that you would stink if you were not wearing deoderant…) Then it kicks on with a light clean smell. Not flowery, not fruity, not “sporty” just clean.

If A&H messes with my deoderant I will hunt them down and kill them.

A) Captain Crunch with Crunchberries: Used to have crunchberries that were red and had a strong, vaguely berrylike flavor. Now they’ve added like four colors of crunchberrys that have no flavor other than “sugar”

B) I don’t like deoderants: they feel…I dunno…sticky and yuk. I’ve been using Shower-To-Shower powder for a couple of decades. The regular stuff barely had any smell at all which was just fine with me. Now the bastards have gotten rid of the plain stuff and the only stuff left will make me smell like the aftermath of a catfight in a whorehouse.

I am a burly, hairy guy. Unless I am involved in the catfight at a whorehouse, I do not wish to smell like a catfight at a whorehouse.

I’m trying to get used to Arm and Hammer unscented deoderant, with limited success. As far as I know, they’re the only unscented deoderant on the market.

C) Clark Bars: You can’t get ‘em here anymore and recent scientific studies have shown that they’re 10,000,000,000,000 times better than yukky ol’ Butterfinger bars.


And I completely agree with Medea’s Child and will join her in the hunt if A&H messes with my deoderant

My local Price Chopper carries a no frills version of that stuff, unscented. Look for no frills.

Exactly, those things are ridiculous. Think about the Start-button key; you’re going to be moving your mouse down to the Start-menu anyway, to make your selection (unless you really want to tab through it with a keyboard, in which case just hit Ctrl-Esc like the rest of the civilized world), so why have a damn button for it? Sheesh.