Proof that the universe is just one big random fuckstory

Think of it this way - it’s a good thing that rapists are contributing to a charity that deals with rape by buying those lottery tickets.

Too late for that. The check was handed over yesterday. Besides, there were no restrictions in the rules of entry. However, the people sponsoring this are mulling over the possibility of exclusions for the next one. The problem with that is if they exclude one type of ex-con without excluding others, does that constitute discrimination?

I don’t see why anyone is surprised. Everyone knows that the lottery is a tax on people that are bad at math, and it seems pretty clear to me that this guy couldn’t tell the difference between 14 and 18.

Yeah, I think you’re going to have to explain the joke to me. Other than a touch of irony which I posted on in an earlier post, this isn’t funny.

Am I the only one who reads the whole thread before I post?

sting rays are gonna help catch the road runner.

Latest newson the guy who won: Somebody delivered a tire iron beatdown of the guy this afternoon outside a downtown mall. :rolleyes:

Talk about getting your pipes cleaned!

A followup to the beatdown story: first, the guy who administered the beating was caught and it turns out he’s a fugitive from a California arrest warrant. We get a lot of these assholes up here, who think that fleeing to Alaska to escape either their criminal history, their financial history, or their mental history is both an original and smart thing to do. Dear fuckwads: we have cops here and telephones and internet and the FBI. You’re going to get caught sooner or later, probably after you hurt or kill somebody, so just stay in whatever bog you’ve created for yourselves and give us a fucking break.

Secondly, the winner of the lottery, who had stated he would give $100K to STAR, has purchased two Lincoln Navigator pickups, and is looking to buy a house for $240K. That pretty much wipes out the $350K that he netted in the lotto. Charity truly begins at home, I guess.

Note to self: Spiff knows too much. A fishing trip may be in order.

Yes and no. I skimmed the thread and I gathered enough to know I would probably get this comment but I just had to mention the sting rays.
I get a kickback.

Note to self: See if Tao’s Revenge might be persuaded to join Spiff on a fishing trip.

Oh go on then, I’ll do it.

He won the money according to the rules of the game. It’s his to do what he wants with, regardless of his history or what anyone else thinks. Just like if the corrupt mayor, drug-pushing mother of 8 or god-fearing, generous nun had done so.

The irony’s funny though - although the tire-iron event rather dulls the humour of the whole situation.

You know, they might attract more people to religion if they hadn’t left that part out of the bible.

Someone hasn’t read the Old Testament! :stuck_out_tongue:

You mean the tire irony?