Protein Synthesis In the Body

I do weight training and throughout the dayi have to eat a certain amount o protein carbs etc. Now it is by general concensus that you should take anything between 1 - 2g of protein per lb of your body weight. What I am wondering is… If you take say 30g of protein in the morning at 8am, how long does this take to digest and store before you start take more protein, i.e. how long before all that protein is absorbed by your body so you can take more. I understand that when you take it this will not go into your body instantly, also it is casein protein teh slower digestion stuff, labelled to stay in your body or 6 hours for the CNP brand. I know it sounds like I have just answered my own question but would be good to know exactly how this process works, and if your taking 40 grams at 8am, this is 40g over a 6 hour period this is going to be in your body roughly, but how does it get absorbed by your body and how much of this will store as fat and how much go to the muscle?

It would be impossible to put solid numbers on anything you’re asking because it all depends on a lot of individual and situational factors.

Protein isn’t really stored anywhere, so it’s in your gut until it gets broken down into smaller pieces (maybe even down to individual amino acids) and absorbed into the bloodstream. Six hours sounds about right, but might depend on how much else you’ve eaten and on your health. (If you’ve got diarrhea, it might not absorb at all).

From the blood, it is transported around the body and either used in cellular growth or digested for energy. The body tends to prefer using protein for building other proteins, because it can’t get amino acids from other sources. However, most people eat far more protein than the body really needs for this purpose so the excess gets broken down for energy. Someone building muscle is obviously using more protein for tissue growth than someone who is merely maintaining.

Protein isn’t converted directly to fat, but if the body is burning protein for its calories, it isn’t burning fat or carbs. So I would focus on the calorie count and monitoring your actual weight rather than worrying too much about where calories go.

Thanks for getting back to me :slight_smile: that’s what I was thinking. The strange thing is that I gave my diet to a nutritionist and he advised that it was perfect for the training u was doing but lacked a bit of variety. The problem was I wasn’t losing any weight on this diet until I started doing card in the morning swell, so recently I have cut my diet on every meal and doing the same exercises now without the card in the morning and seeing excellent results. The only problem is I am slightly spree for longer. That’s why it would be good to know if there’s a way of definately finding out how much protein to take so the muscle repair is maximised