PSA: Osama: not captured; Michael Jackson: no suicide; SDMB: great antivirus

Just a warning for all computer users out there (Mac users excluded… for now) and also to commend the SDMB for indirectly protecting me from a trojan attack.

Somehow, the Osama trojan got through our office security and the message with attachment was in my mailbox the other day…

I just figured that that bit of news would not be missed by the SDMB, so before opening the attachment I looked for the threads that should have popped and found nothing… THEN I remembered about the Osama trojan, I thought originally that it could not be the one, since it was already old hat for the security IT department, I guess it was not. :smack:

Knowing that the SDMB would be on a bit of news like that like a leech on steroids that got into a blood bank, I then knew it was the trojan, message was deleted then.

So, thank you Cecil! And the Chicago Reader too!

E! channel report:

Jackson Viral, Not Suicidal

Fot a title like that, we need something between :rolleyes: and :stuck_out_tongue:

Remember not to surf the net with an Administrative account, Ladies and Gentlemen. :slight_smile: