Mia Wallace and Vincent Vega are at Jack Rabbit Slims theres a lull in the conversation, Vega just casually looks around, Mia stares at him and eventually goes off about how you can tell you’ve met your soul mate when the silence you share is comfortable.
Is Vega supposed to be uncomfortable because of the danger he’s in by hanging around Mia and shes simply commenting/lamenting on it or is Vega comfortably chill (after probably taken Heroin earlier) and she’s hitting on him?
I think Mia is fairly psychotic, actually. She gets her kicks by mentally torturing the guys that work for Marsellus. Remember the guy the Marsellus threw out a window because he gave Mia a foot rub? That’s on her as much as anyone.
She was having fun messing with Vincent’s head. You have to conclude this, because she knows damn well what happens to guys that Marsellus perceives as hitting on her, and chooses to go dancing with Vincent.
A more interesting question than I thought at first.
Mia says “Don’t you just hate that … uncomfortable silences” but reviewing the clip, neither of them actually look too uncomfortable. Or maybe Vega is too cool (or high) to be unconfortable. The same could be said about her, actually. She just did a line in the bathroom.
Strangely, this topic came up is casual conversation the other day.
It struck me as clearly the case that Mia is telling the truth about Tony. There’s nothing at all suggesting she’s lying; she seems very sincere in her reply, and she seems legitimately gobsmacked by the story Vincent tells her. The amazement and contempt is evident on her face.
Tarantino’s point there is to make you scared for Vincent (with the story about Mersellus being insanely jealous) then relieve some of that tension (the story is horseshit) then give it back (Vincent and Mia are uncomfortably close) take it away (Vincent resolves to just leave) and then really pound it home again (the drug incident.) It wouldn’t add anything for Mia to be lying about the footrub story.
I figured that the point was that neither Vincent or Mia had any control of the situation. It didn’t matter what they did or didn’t do. If Marcellus got mad, he’d kill either or both of them, regardless of their guilt or innocence. And then afterwards he’d just tell people whatever he wanted, like he had apparently done with Tony Rockahara.
No, the point is to contrast against when he gets her home (pre-OD). They walk/waltz in the door, he holds her a little too close a little too long after they stop singing, and he asks
“Was that one of your uncomfortable silences?”
“I don’t know what that was.”
So in the restaurant, it wasn’t really an uncomfortable silence which is why they’re OK talking about it, but in the house, it was, and therefore it became difficult to discuss.