When you buy gas with your credit (or debit) card, do you always make sure that the total is an even dollar amount? What I mean is, do you “top off” so that it’ll come out to $23.00 as opposed to $22.87?
I do so, obsessively. My wife, not so much; and she laughs at me because I do it.
Old habits are hard to break. I also used to do this and it ties back to the days of actually going inside and making a cash transaction. Since I started using my debit card, it matters not but I still catch myself doing it occasionally (which always results in a chuckle and headshake)
Not even on a dollar, but I like to make it end in a 5 or a 0. This was actually really useful, because the gas station by my house is a Citgo, but they were showing up on my transactions as Food Mart(the name of the store that I never used or paid attention to). It was only the frequency and the fact that it was NEVER an odd amount that I finally put two and two together.
Yup. I’m not obsessed by it, though. It’s more of a game, trying to let loose of the handle at precisely the right moment to get the pump to stop on 00s.
He also stands there pushing buttons to get a printed receipt – which he puts in his pocket – where it stays until it’s time to do laundry. Why does he need proof that he bought gas? Unless he does it to establish an alibi. Hmmmm.
When I was still in the trucking business I always cut it off at an even gallon. We were required to report fuel used and fuel purchased by state, for tax purposes, so it made it easier to figure w/ even gallons.
I always do this, and I always get a receipt, which I promptly throw out once I’ve verified that it doesn’t display the entire credit card number.
I always pay with a credit card - I don’t think I’ve paid cash for gas more than a couple dozen times in the past decade!
It is especially pointless when I use my MasterCard, which is the PetroPoints one, which gives a rebate of 2 cents/litre when I gas up at a PetroCanada station. So I’ll pump in gas to a round number, and then the savings are applied, and turns out I paid 27.38$ or something!
I go for an even number, but in quantity of gas, not the total price. If one purchases gas at a Canadian Tire filling station with their credit card, one gets bonus money usable in the stores based on the quantity of gas and whatever multiplier is in place that week. My usual purchase is 60 litres. The next higher bonus kicks in at 70.