I hate changing the light bulbs in my front room. No particular reason why, it just irks me. Last year I had extensive electrical work done on my front room to ensure that I wouldn’t need to change my bulbs unless it was absolutely, positively necessary. However, for reasons of overall efficiency, I ensured that every other electrical appliance in my front room was unaffected by the extensive electrical work.
I’m not sure of the answer to your riddle, but I know this much: I haven’t done any electrical work on any of my rooms, and I only change my bulbs unless it is absolutely, positively necessary. In other words, unless they burn out AND it is dark AND I plan on doing anything in the room in question that requires light, I don’t change it.
Sounds to me like you wasted a lot of money (If you spent more than $.01)
I changed the wiring so the bulbs ran on direct current rather than alternating current. That made them last a little longer.