Q for Aussies

Can I have the SD on wether or not companies sometimes give out vouchers to brothels for a christmas bonus to male employees? I’ve been told that is not uncommon for this to happen.

Sign me up :smiley:

No not likely, I lived and worked in Australia for almost twenty years and I have never seen or heard of this happening. I also believe there would be some serious legal issues to deal with if this was the case.

Not here in Perth (lived here for 7 years), but maybe I’m working at the wrong places.
Uh, right places.

Hey, side question: When I was in Sapporo, Japan last July, young folks were handing out just such coupons on the street. But they avoided giving them to me (a Westerner). Why, do you think?

Probably related to this story in the Singapore press.

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Then again I think anything is possible in the Cross. :wink:

Leads to an error page. What’s the story?

Works for me. It’s reporting on a Queensland news story that one employer is booking a brothel for his workers for Xmas. (Of course the god-bothering Australian Family Association has to pipe up.)

Someone’s having a bit of fun with you.

Perhaps the miners in Kalgoorlie? But I’ve never heard of such a case. It sounds like someone’s pulling your leg.

While we do have legal brothels – one has an ad in the paper for 20 min lunch specials – someone’s pulling your leg about christmas gifts.

Just cause it’s legal doesn’t mean everyone doesn’t still think you’re a loser to have to pay for sex.

Yup thats the story.