Quantum Mechanics and Mind

What was not nonsense was the result of the delayed eraser experiment he elucidated. His ideas about life in general, based on QM, is not the question here and I do not necessarily agree with them. The point is we know no more about what is going on now than they did 100 years ago so you do not know any more than I or anyone else about why these effects happen. I find your comments irrelevant and unhelp and franky, quite patronising. Just because you have a mathematical understand of QM does not mean you have cracked it since such mathematical models are merely ways that people try out to discover whether they are useful in predicting phenomena but nobody has any special access to why things happen. Mr. Campbell seems right about one thing, and that is the reluctance in the scientific community to question belief-based approaches that still cling on to a materialistic solution to QM phenomena and a denial that we cannot any longer use ‘mechanical’ interpretations that have long since been discredited.

The question is where do these ideas come from? Yes, from us, our consciousness! And when we try these hypotheses out we receive back information. Without first asking for some feedback no scientific knowledge is possible so we need both consciousness and information to make progress. You people either do not seem able to grasp this or refuse to acknowledge it, since it challenges your worldview.

Yes, it was wasn’t it? This is why I gave the link since he did put over the basic facts in a very conversational way and did not rush through it. I don’t necessarily agree with the rest of his philosophical interpretation about life in general based on his interpretation of QM, nevertheless, he does put his ideas over in a clear way. :slight_smile:

What people? We don’t exist until you think about us. This is your problem, not ours.

You should just stick to the objective data gained from the double-slit and its variants and discuss that instead of thinking you have all the answers and other people have no clue. You and others have still not provided any convincing interpretation of the strange behaviour of QM phenomena. For example, how do you account for quantum entanglement? And if you are going to talk about hidden variables don’t bother because these have never been verified. It is not people like me who claim to be geniuses; it is people like you who think they know it all.

None of this stuff can read itself and no result of any experiment can have any meaning without an observer. How can a scientific experiment organize itself to put all the apparatus in place and do the experiment? You said; “The calculation is left as an exercise for the reader.” What if there is no reader? What don’t you understand about this?

Tell me, where exactly is the information contained within your post? Is it the pixels that make-up the symbols? NO. Is it the characters therein? NO. It is the interpretation encoded in the symbols made by an observer. YES!

None of this stuff can read itself and no result of any experiment can have any meaning without an observer. How can a scientific experiment organize itself to put all the apparatus in place and do the experiment? You said; “The calculation is left as an exercise for the reader.” What if there is no reader? What don’t you understand about this?

Tell me, where exactly is the information contained within your post? Is it the pixels that make-up the symbols? NO. Is it the characters therein? NO. It is the interpretation encoded in the symbols made by an observer. YES!

Why don’t you exist? You need to explain this.

It’s not that simple I’m afraid.

If a detector is placed just behind one slit and photons are sent through one by one, after some time two bright areas build up where the photons behaved like particles. In this sense, yes, we get decoherence. *However, *if the detector stays in place but is switched off (i.e. unable to register particles) then an interference pattern is seen on the back screen! So it is not the fact that a detector (which is a physical object) causes decoherence but the fact that no information is made available about particles. When we examine the back screen after we switch off the detector we are causing reality to begin and at that moment no information about particles exist, therefore, an interference pattern is seen. So we are back to knowledge making a difference, not the environment. This was the point I was trying to make.

This is explained here: Double Slit Experiment explained! by Jim Al-Khalili - YouTube

“When physicists speak about something having ‘information’ or ‘knowledge’ about something else, what they mean is more specifically the mutual information—a measure of how much the two systems are correlated. This does lead to some unfortunate misunderstandings for those not conversant with the terminology, but that’s a hard thing to avoid, without all the time inventing new words.”

Actually, it could be that one system (a human observer) is correlated with another system via quantum entanglement, which would accommodate Wiki’s definition. But this is speculative.

I’m part of the universe - I don’t exist until you’ve worked out how to observe and describe me.

Meh. My worldview just resulted in a major discovery in the grammar theory research domain, solving a 45 year old research problem through the application of artificial intelligence. What is your worldview accomplishing?

I was joking when I wrote “the clarity of explanation was impressive.”

It was words without any substance. For example, when he says something like “entanglement is just an if-then statement”, I immediately have these types of questions:
1 - “if” what?
2 - “then” what?
3 - Is he trying to say that something is processing this “if-then” logic, like so:
If the particles are entangled then we need to make sure that their interactions operate using the entangled rules.

If so, what is keeping track of the entangled states of all the particles in the universe so it can perform the “if-then”?


It’s the other way around: experiments realize situations that occur in nature all the time within controlled circumstances, so that we can learn about what happens in nature. This learning is all that we do; what happens would have happened in just the same way if no early hominid (or wherever you want to draw the line) had ever had that first spark of consciousness.

Or at least, all that we know about the world, and quantum mechanics, is completely consistent with that picture. It’s true that other interpretations are possible; but they all suffer from extravagance. Furthermore, quantum theory has nothing to do with this: all that you’re saying can be said about classical mechanics just as well (and has, in fact, been said).

I know that it’s comforting to put consciousness, and by extension, humanity, back into the center of the universe, from where the Copernican and Darwinian revolutions have so thoroughly removed us, but nature is under no obligation to comfort us.

What you don’t understand is that nobody needs to do the calculations in order for the world to behave the way it does. Yes, there is no description of the world without somebody describing it; but the world does not depend on being described. Interference patterns vanished long before anybody came up with the math describing how they do so; they’ll continue to, long after the sun has burned this world to cinder.

As John Bell mockingly put it:

To the contrary, that’s exactly what follows from the math I presented above. If the detector is present, but does not make a detection, it simply falls out of the equation, and we’re left with what we had before.

In such a case, the evolution equations of a system going through either ‘slit’ are

          |D>|1> ---> |D>|1> (= |D,1>),
          |D>|2> ---> |D>|2> (= |D,2>).

This just means that the detector doesn’t change its state—it remains in the same state before and after having interacted with the particle (or, as the case may be, having not interacted with the particle). In other words, no ‘which-path information’ has been gathered.

And it’s important that you realize here that that’s all that which-path information (as scientists use the term) is: if a state-change has been induced in the detector (say, a light has come on, indicating ‘slit 1’, or ‘slit 2’), then which-path information has been collected; if nothing happens, we have no such ‘information’.

This means in particular that the general state of our particle-detector system afterwards is factorizable—i.e. you can write it as a product of two states of the two subsystems. This is the formal definition of not being entangled, i.e. separable.

So, whereas in the case where we did collect which-path information, we had the entangled state

          |D,s> = a|D[sub]1[/sub],1> + b|D[sub]2[/sub],2>,

after the particle has passed the slit, we now have the separable state

         |D',s'> = a|D,1> + b|D,2>
                 = |D>(a|1> + b|2>).

This makes all the difference: since there is no correlation between the detector and the particle, the quantum coherence does not get ‘smeared out’ over the whole system, and consequently, the particle system itself stays coherent; hence, we will recover an interference pattern.

We now have:

            P(o) = P(o,D)
                 = |(a[sup]*[/sup]<D,1| + b[sup]*[/sup]<D,2|)*|o,D>|[sup]2[/sup]
                 = |a[sup]*[/sup]<D,1|o,D> + b[sup]*[/sup]<D,2|o,D>|[sup]2[/sup]
                 = |a[sup]*[/sup]<1|o> + b[sup]*[/sup]<2|o>|[sup]2[/sup]
                 = |a[sup]*[/sup]<1|(c|1> + d|2>) + b[sup]*[/sup]<2|(c|1> + d|2>)|[sup]2[/sup]
                 = |a[sup]*[/sup]c<1|1> + a[sup]*[/sup]d<1|2> + b[sup]*[/sup]c<2|1> + b[sup]*[/sup]d<2|2>|[sup]2[/sup]
                 = |a[sup]*[/sup]c + b[sup]*[/sup]d|[sup]2[/sup]
                 = (a[sup]*[/sup]c + b[sup]*[/sup]d)(ac[sup]*[/sup] + bd[sup]*[/sup])
                 = |a[sup]*[/sup]c|[sup]2[/sup] + |b[sup]*[/sup]d|[sup]2[/sup] + a[sup]*[/sup]cbd[sup]*[/sup] + b[sup]*[/sup]dac[sup]*[/sup]

Here, in the third line, I used that <D|D> = 1, in the fourth line, I’ve introduced the general form of |o>, the fifth line is just a rearrangement, in the sixth line, I’ve used that <1|1> = <2|2> = 1 and <1|2> = <2|1> = 0, and then I just repeated the steps from our original calculation to once again arrive at a result showing prominent interference terms.

So, you see: it’s not whether anybody reads the information, or interprets it, or holds it somehow in conscious experience; rather, the vanishing of interference solely depends on whether the detector makes a detection, indicated by changing its state, or not, standing just idly by.

Computers can communicate meaningfully with each other, without any benefit of “mind.”

Hmm. Not on the usual meaning of ‘meaningfully’, I’d say—one of the most important characteristics of computers is that they key on a symbol’s syntactic, as opposed to semantic, properties. So, a letter, a word, what have you, to a computer is really just a series of switches being flipped or not. When you type the word ‘dog’ into a computer, and it shows you a picture of a dog, then there’s no understanding of what you asked it; rather, ‘dog’ is shorthand for pushing a couple of switches that light up a certain array of pixels—dogs don’t enter into it.

To be honest, I have no clue about the calculations you give here, but that does not change anything.

You say nature is ‘there’, regardless of whether we look at it or not, but what you keep overlooking is the fact that the models human beings create can never exist without human beings! Regardless of what is* really * there (although this doesn’t make much sense), all one can do is invent representations of nature which are really very subjective and never existed before we evolved. Language and mathematics never existed before they were invented so how can something that never existed exist and not exist at the same time, which is effectively what you are saying when you assert nature is always there even if we aren’t? Now, something *did * exist before we did, undoubtedly, but whatever that was only existed as a probability which combined with our consciousness to appear to us as what we call ‘reality’. Your mathematical calculations are mere models that your mind has constructed in order to ‘prove’ something or other but what does it all really prove? It proves mathematics is creative imagination that tries to ‘mimic’ reality and does this successfully up to a point but sooner or later fails to give accurate predictions.

Now here, we are in agreement. :smiley:

I can’t say I recall him saying this. Perhaps you misunderstood.

Well done. So what’s your point?