I was ready to be incredibly forgiving to this show (the American version currently on Showtime) but it’s so annoying! It’s full of “Why the hell did he do that?” sort of moments that make no sense. For example [spoiler alert]:
Why wait to object the bris until the rabbi pulls out the scalpel? This is the sort of thing you’d bring up before inviting people, isn’t it?
Why faint when you find out “bris” means “circumcision” - wouldn’t you ask what the funny word meant before coming to the party?
What club are they going to where 90% of the bathrooms are filled with people having sex and 10% with people doing drugs, and none are actually peeing? Everywhere I’ve ever gone has those ratios in a totally different proportion, especially on a weeknight. Even at the raunchiest clubs I’ve been to, sex has never been the winner, at least not in my stall, nor has there ever been a constant din of groaning from bum-fucking stall neighbors, either.
Glitter-filled, handwaving, shirtless muscle-bound dance party on a weeknight, every night, in Pittsburgh? Doesn’t anyone stay home on Wednesdays to watch Bette?
Drag queens just walking around on the mulit-colored-light street? Most drag queens I’ve seen are performers, rarely seen outside of a bar/nightclub stage. If they aren’t working, they aren’t working it, either.
GHB and a beer? Bad idea, obviously, but did both of those guys supposedly not know that? Is it possible for two guys to have sex and have it be neither meaningless nor end in a coma? Guess not.
Even a foreign hustler can say “money,” and will leave when he doesn’t get any, even if it’s funnier for him to stay. This sort of “comedy” belongs on “Three’s Company” prior to the departure of Chrissie.
“Showtime - No Limits” - then how come no penises?
The “hot” guy isn’t.
The “whiny” guy works at a Wal-Mart clone and thinks he can’t get dates because of his looks. Bzzt! Try again.
He’s afraid of getting fired and losing his job if they find out he’s gay. Which would make sense, except isn’t he in an entry-level position? Is there just one Wal-Mart in Pittsburgh?
I could go on, but I’ll turn this over to any of you who have something to add…
No, no. You have to like it – it is about gays. You don’t want to be politically incorrect. Now be a good boy and keeping mailing that check off to the cable company every month.
If you didn’t like it, then why did you watch it? Change the channel if it’s a lame show. Did you watch the whole thing just to get ammo for your thread? If you did, then sounds like you’re the lame one.
Well, I don’t have Showtime, so I didn’t see it. I just want to reassure Esprix that he’ll have plenty of opportunities to see Dune. SciFi has already replayed it twice, and they sunk enough money in it to guarantee that it will be played over and over again throughout the years. To top it off, it wasn’t all that great anyway.
JMullaney…man did you hit the nail on the head. Yours is one of the most honest postings I’ve seen here yet. All I want to know is how did you get away with it (so far)without getting lambasted?
Well, call me a schmuck, but I can’t sit through anything with two men kissing without wretching. Just makes me wanna puke. Yuk. Pisses me off that I have to sit through the previews for this show while waiting for the softcore porn to come on at 2am.
Ain’t it great how it’s totally acceptable for girls to get it on in titflicks but not guys? Man, I love the double standard! Woooo!!
I don’t have Showtime, and I’m not in to soap opera/mainstream tv…(I’ll stick with MST3K and the History channel and A&E), but what I want to know is: it’s set in Pittsburgh, right?
So, is it accurate? I mean, as a Pittsburgher, I will be VERY pissed if the feel of the show is incorrect as regards to Pittsburgh. Dammit, there better be some people walking around talking about “Yinz goin’ dahntahn to see dem Stillers?” And the bartenders HAVE to say, “Airyago, one Arn.”
I mean it! There MUST be conversation peppered with Arn, and shahr, and haus and Kahr and Jeez-a-man and I gots to ax you summin. If they’re going to a funeral, they have to ask where the deceased is laid aht. They gotta talk about Turtle Crick. And during football season, all the bars have to be playing the Stillers game.
And in the summer, Ya Gatta Regatta. And for those who may go to CMU it is not CAR-ne-gee. It’s car-NAY-gee. Dammit!
And they have to go to Preemanees in da Strip.
Dammit, I will be pissed if Pixburgers ahr misrepresented an at, yinz know at?
Get over it. If you can’t handle it, step away from the television, turn it off, turn on your oven, and stick your head in. The feeling will pass as the feeling leaves your body.
Uh, this is the stupidest thing I’ve ever heard. I didn’t like it AFTER I’d watched it, because I made up my mind that it was annoying AFTER HAVING VIEWED IT. Call me crazy. You’ve never watched something and thought it was going to get better, only it never did? I watched it because my boyfriend was excited to see a show that purported to show real gay people.
It was on my boyfriend’s TV, and he was holding the remote. I was also hoping to see some hot gay sex, instead I got convulsions and a GHB-induced coma.
Hastur Since you seem to be one of the few people responding who’s actually watched the show, [aside from being my sig line ], I’d appreciate your comments:
Did you notice any of the things I complained about?
Didn’t they bother you?
The problem I have is that there’s all these little irritating things happening that could easily have been fixed if someone just bothered checking over the script first. Like the bris thing - the whole confrontation could have happened, it just should have happened like the day before the bris or something. Why did whatsisname act like he cared so much when he only happened to show up anyway after he was done fucking that guy in the steamroom (which, despite being at a busy gym, was empty except for him and the other guy)?
I watched the show and I liked it. I am a straight woman but I thought it was pretty good. Maybe their aim is off in portraying “real” gay life but it has surpased many other “gay” oriented shows in getting you to care about the characters. I think they are all highly interesting if not majorly dramatized. As for the bris thing, did you happen to notice the line that Micheal said…“I just found out what the Hebrew writing at the bottom of the invitation meant” I got the impression that meant that they had no idea it would be anything but a celebration of the birth. And I did find the “hot guy” hot. He’s so hot I would fuck him while he rimmed the little tacky young kid.
About the character Ted going into a coma after mixing drugs with beer. I noticed that he mentioned that he really wasn't used to doing that sort of thing. I can imgaine he was pretty excited and caught in the moment. That guy was hot enough to make me forget the moment.
As for Micheal, the assistant manager of the store, he's more worried about being stuck in his job than getting fired if he comes out. He said he was worried about being assistant manager forever. Also, he knows it's not his looks that keeps him from getting guys, it's his obsession with Brian.
Two more fast thoughts, DAYUM IT I WANT TO SEE SOME DICK TOO! OK and also, I think this sort of show is a small step in the right direction for everyone to try to open up and see gay life as a very real and wonderful part of our culture. It shows the ignorant people that these are people with feelings and with hearts the same as everyone else, there is no difference except the gay guys are alot hotter than most straight guys I have seen in clubs. I think everyone who has SHOWTIME should watch it just at least to support what they are doing. I know I'll be turning it on every week.
When I heard about “Queer as Folk” being on Showtime, I assumed you all meant the UK version. I had no idea that you Statesiders were going to mess around with it and come up with an Americanised version. Damn, no wonder it was lame–all the recent Americanised versions of UK shows have been lame. Remember the US version of “Men Behaving Badly”?
Sorry, I guess I’m out of the loop on this one. What’s GHB? I’m not much of a fan of our former president, either, but isn’t going into a coma just a wee bit of an over-reaction?