In the most recent episode of Foyle’s War, Sam is deep-frying something that looks like big balls of liver or kidney. When her husband asks what it is, she replies “Waite [???]. They say it tastes like beef.”
Does anybody know what she was talking about? Was this something the Ministry of Food promoted to allieviate postwar shortages?
In her autobiography Mrs. Appleyard and I, Louise Andrews Kent, a writer of cookbooks (among other things) tells how during World War I, she traveled around New England trying to get people to try whale meat. She said she was a good cook, but whale meat defeated even her best efforts. When World War II rolled around, she basically didn’t even try.
Whale was one of the things the Ministry tried pushing alleviate the food shortages (which got worse once the war was over). Snoek [fish] from South Africa was another.
Many of us Brits (still nowadays, and considerably more so 70-odd years ago) are just pathologically mistrustful of anything strange / new / foreign in the food line – objectivity be damned !
Along the same lines, the high-end supermarket here offered kingklip one time, and it was delicious. Once my wife went to Wikipedia to read about it, though, and discovered that it is an eel covered in thick mucus, I was forbidden to bring it home again.