Question about a slur... Need answer fast!

Interesting. Where could I read more about that, Suicide?

BY the time of Kissinger’s tenure as Secretary of State, I frankly doubt he was in physical shape to nearly beat a man to death. I’d like a cite for this as well.

Here is a Wikipedia account of groundbreaking “Fighting Words” legislation. Kissinger wasn’t involved and this was in 1942.

Makes sense in a weird way.
(a) Most countries, the concept of free speech is not the sacred concept it is in the USA. Many other considerations trump it. ( David Ahenakew - Wikipedia )
(b) Germany has had its problems with rabble rousers, IIRC - they reserve the right to act when possible if someone sits across the border and spews hate propaganda aimed at disturbing the peace inside Germany.


suicide–your posts in General Questions border on trolling, but I’ll call it being a jerk for now.

samclem, moderator