Question about gold karats/purity and rings...

Last week the design for the MIT Class of 2008 Brass Rat (class ring: click the link and you’ll understand the name) was unveiled, and the ordering is going on this week.

We have a choice between 10kt, 14kt, and 18kt gold. Now, I don’t know jack shit about jewelry, other than the technical details (14kt gold is 14/24ths gold, and so forth), so I’m looking for some advice on what to go with.

First, they sell a stainless-steel version (or “Celestrium”, if you listen to Balfour) pretty cheaply, so the gold one will only be for special occasions.

Now, as I understand it - 14kt gold is more durable/scratch resistant than 18kt gold, but it tarnishes quicker. It also looks a bit duller than 18kt.

So, I can’t decide. On the one hand, I don’t want to get a 14kt version and find it looking all tarnished and ratty after ten years. On the other, I don’t want to get the 18kt version and find it all scratched up and battered after the same period. I don’t really care about the difference in appearance when new - to be honest, the 14kt example looked a little bit better than the 18kt to my eyes - not as flashy.

So, which one should I get? The price difference is, in the grand scheme of things, insignificant. In terms of long-term use and durability, which would be a better choice?

One of the Balfour representatives recommended the 14kt because of the greater durability, and said that the 18kt was mostly for women who wanted it to match their other jewelry (or something). Obviously, that’s almost a sure way to get a college-aged guy to choose the 14kt, but I don’t know whether he knew what he was talking about or not.

IME, 14 k gold wears better over the long haul. Tarnish and dullness are very easy to polish away; scratches, not so much. 18 k is brighter, but it does scratch up pretty easily.

Gold does not tarnish. Stainless - well, that’s a different story.

Back to gold. The difference between the 14K and 10K weights are pratically undetectable to the naked eye. There is a marking on all gold rings which tells you the karat weight of the gold.

18K and 24K will have a"yellower" color. I can tell 18K or 24K from 10/14K by simply looking at it. They are softer, as well, so they will scratch easier. The alloy of 14K and 10K make them “harder” and better suited to everyday wear.

Strongly recommend the 14K if you can afford it. If not, the 10K will give you the same look, but for a little less money.

I’ve been wearing a 14k gold ring for over 30 years now, and it has held up quite nicely.

14K is considered “standard.” and it’s very nice. I think that you will be happy with it. I don’t know why anyone said that it would “tarnish.” Most gold jewelry, as far as I know, is 14K. The 18k is just a little “nicer.” If you gave a locket to a bride on her wedding day, think in terms of 18K. For your purposes I think you will be very happy with 14K.

You can get your ring polished / refinished to have minor scratches from daily wear and tear removed.
I think it’s not uncommon.

I am wearing a 22 or 24K* gold ‘Om’ around my neck right now. I’ve had it for 12 years, and before that, it was my grandma’s, so it’s been in the family longer than that. And it’s never tarnished.

Do keep it with other gold, though, I’ve always been told never to store it with lesser golds. Don’t know if it makes a difference, but pays to be safe.

And as others have said, while 14 and 18 have their attractiveness, they are much lighter in color than a good solid yellow.

A bit of information: Indians don’t much trust in bank accounts, so they wear lots of heavy gold and that is a sign of their wealth.

*I put the star because I can’t remember if you can have 24K gold. And this being made in India way back when, it’s not stamped. So I’m not sure.