Question for "24" viewers

I’m currently discussing with someone else (in email) a particular book; doesn’t matter what book. Point is, they said, “Well, how come she never says anything about such-and-such? Wouldn’t that be an issue?” I want to say, “For the same reason Jack Bauer never goes to the bathroom,” but first I need to make sure that’s true.

Absence of evidence is not evidence of absence. Some things aren’t worth mentioning; doesn’t mean they don’t happen to the characters just because we don’t see them happen. However, if Bauer was ever in a dimly lit restroom and encountered a thug hiding in a stall, there goes my example. (Or I could amend it to “unless it’s important to the plot”.)

Um, I think you’re asking if Jack ever goes to the can or not. I’ve watched about 75% of the shows to date and I can’t recall it happening.

Simple. He goes to the bathroom during the breaks, just like us.

Okay then! Thank you.


Or while we’re checking in on what’s going on at CTU head office, or with the president, etcetera.

I’m still trying to figure out why you never seen bottles fo Mt. Dew or Coffee cups around CTU.

If I was working on a computer all night and all day, I’d certainly need one of those.

Re: no Soda. This is suppose to be just one day of their lives. Staying at work all night isn’t part of their daily routine, just in emergencies.

Also, it ain’t jack, but I recall one of the female characters going to the bathroom last season.

Chloe O’Brien (nerdy/irritating or kickass computer tech, depends on who you ask). Not to pee, mind you, but to have an emotional breakdown…

Oooh, wasn’t there something in the early first season with a double agent, (Jamie?) going to the ladies’ room to contact her boss via palmpilot?? (And someone else might have come into the room to check on makeup while the double agent girl was sitting in one of the stalls… can’t rightly remember.)

Starts a new season in Jaunary, right?

Yep. Two hours on Sunday, January 15, then two more the next day, the 16th.

I saw a preview for the new season a couple of days ago and almost soiled myself, for some reason. Usually the wife and I wait to get the DVDs, but Fox stupidly tends not to release them until right before the next season begins. This year A & E had a Labor Day marathon that we finally remembered to PVR. So for the first time, we’re going to watch the episodes as they air, and I’ll finally be able to participate in the ‘Cafe Society’ discussions! Yay, me.

Another question/statement for the ‘24’ fans out there: watching episodes back-to-back, like you’d do with DVDs or a full season marathon, you realize this has to be one of the most violent shows ever to grace a TV screen, no? Has anyone ever done a body count for an entire season?

And it will be, what, terrorists cause an asteroid to intercept the Earth’s orbit and Jack rides a Saturn V to the rescue holding on with one hand? From Mexico? :slight_smile:


Thing is, I’m pretty sure that the terrorists have like a 3:1 kill ratio against your average CTU agent.


I could swear I remember a scene with Jack and his boss in the bathroom talking as they peed. This would be in season 1 or 2, since those are the only ones I’ve seen, also because said boss

dies halfway through season 2 - I’m thinking of the guy that inhaled the plutonium. I forget his name.

I haven’t seen season 4, but I understand the onscreen-body count is pretty high for that one.

Actually, doing an off-the-top-of-my-head tally…

Season 1:Everyone on the 747 minus 1(say roughly 500), Walsh and the guy he met, Kidnapper #1, Kim’s friend, Mandy’s lover, everyone in Gains party, the lady cop, Alan York, All of the Drazens and their associates, Jamie, Teri Bauer, the ex-CIA agent in the bar, a couple of the assasins who come after Teri and Kim

Rough Total:530 or so, with 30 of those being onscrreen.

Season 2: Rezah, Seyd Ali, the Saudi Jack Bauer, the Special Forces team, all the 2nd wave guys, George Mason, Kate’s Father(?), all the bad guys who ambushed them in the alley, the redneck guys, the kid killed by the Ntl Guard in Georgia, Kate’s friend, the Hacker, the Oil guy and a bunch of his cronies.

Rough total: 50, most onscreen

Season 3: Ryan Chapelle, almost everyone in the hotel, a lot of the infected people in LA, Saunders, The guys guarding the modem, everyone at the MI6 branch office, the ambushed delta team in mexico, Nina, Sherry, The Salazars, Romanes Lawyer, Hectors wife(?), the british guy who held the virus auction.

Rough total: 1000-2000 or so, with the infected people making up the bulk of them

Season 4: Bunch of Random terrorist and CTU redshirts, Marwan, ?

That would be Mason, who I liked a lot more then Chapelle.

Nuclear Boy was George Mason.

Oh, I forgot about everyone who died in the

Prison Riot in season 3

Which makes one wonder whether the world wouldn’t just be safer if:

Jack Bauer just started working for the bad guys, for real this time.

THat would be interesting. It’d make a great final season.