Question for Coffee Fanatics

Man, I’m disappointed that someone beat me to this, stole my thunder as it were, but let me second the recommendation. Peets is truly excellent coffee.

Thanks for the all the advice everyone. I am checking out some of the links. Will also try some of the local shops this weekend when I have time, and when more of the snow has melted.


EJsGirl, let’s just say that my employer is a big, well-known coffee chain, and the debate over the quality of our coffee is even more vicious than the Mac/PC debate.

One last little bit of advice. You may want to find out whether or not she prefers dark roast or a lighter roast. Many people who are dark roast afficionados find mediuam/light roasts to be tasteless. OTOH, some light/medium roast fans feel that dark roasts taste “burnt”. YMMV.

Oh, and if you decide to combine a French press with a package of coffee, make sure that if it’s either ground for French press (very important) or whole bean, which she can grind herself.

If you don’t really like your boss, AND you’ve got money to burn, then you should consider Kopi Luwak coffee.

Here’s where I buy all my coffee - great little family owned store!

Try a hazelnut/vanilla blend - wonderful stuff.

And if you’ve never tried making Toddy Coffee Concentrate, you’re really missing a treat!

Barclay’s sells toddy makers, well worth the money.

And they ship anywhere.

Ok Dragon, does it start with an “S” or a “D?” Probably the “S!”

Peets rocks the house! We still get our coffee from them, even though they are on the wrong coast now. Mmmmm Peets. . .
